
Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by Elco, Jul 19, 2017.

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  1. Elco

    Elco User


    To my understanding, once upon a time (that's how long back in time it seems to have been) players could have a lot of bakeries. Up to 7 I believe?

    Nowadays we're stuck to 3 and that's more often than not, simply not enough even at the higher level because of the relatively low output and the high demand of goods.
    Yes of course, one would have to carefully manage his/her supply of wheat and other ingredients from the farms (not even talking about energy), so it would be an even more delicate balance to achieve.

    Could there be a way to win/purchase more bakeries?
    Perhaps through a funny game, like @NoslyaM offered recently with the "Guess the avatar" instead of a residential building permit? Or at least where a winner could have the choice between a residential permit or a bakery permit?

    I sincerely hope this is feasible and can be introduced soon.

  2. al2000

    al2000 User

    Hello, I have 4 bakeries and it's not enough. I want to be able to get more bakeries.How??
  3. nennesby

    nennesby User

    I think it would be an easy thing for Bigpoint to give us all a bakery as a gift - now that they do not give us the posibillity in special events. They would make us happier and may be keep us playing...
    truelinor and panch29 like this.
  4. Sargent

    Sargent User

    Hi. I'm just wondering how you managed to get 4 bakeries..........
  5. Elco

    Elco User

    Even though I understand 4 is already not enough (let alone the 3 we are currently left stuck with...) I too wonder how @al2000 got to that "magical" number ;)
  6. Don't wish to brag, but . . . . I have 7 bakeries.
    I'm pretty sure that once upon a time they used to be available as a reward for completing the Easter event! Sadly, given this event is no longer available, this opportunity has disappeared.
    truelinor, sams264227011a and Elco like this.
  7. Elco

    Elco User

    It's not that I'm jealous @BeccaBunny7401, in fact I'm glad for you, it's just that I wish that such benefit could still be made available for those who started playing after BigPoint suddenly decided, without warning, to stop developing the game.
    I keep hoping it is possible to grant permits under the form of funny games in the forums :)
    truelinor likes this.
  8. Sargent

    Sargent User

    LOL ..... well I am positively green with envy at your good fortune @BeccaBunny7401 (sighs!) .... Still, at least I now know why I'm limited to 3 bakeries if not the logic behind it. :(
    truelinor likes this.
  9. al2000

    al2000 User

    It's not very hard to take care of the 4 bakeries. This time there is a lack of buns, what about the rest of the bakery products. If it were to win a bakery at least, it would be very good. To have 7 bakeries would be a miracle, and I do not believe in miracles
  10. Elco

    Elco User

    No doubt it is well to do to take care of 4 bakeries, but our point here is that nowadays you can have 3 and no more so we were wondering how long you've been playing to have 4 or what have you done to get the extra one we would already love to add to our cities :)
  11. al2000

    al2000 User

    I do not know. But i have. If you read the other posts you will see that there are some who have 7. I understood that it was an event you could win.
    Elco likes this.
  12. harley9883

    harley9883 User

    I have 9 bakeries, and I can assure it's still not enough to produce the needs of my city.
    Elco likes this.
  13. Sargent

    Sargent User

    :rolleyes: ... I'd like the luxury of giving a shot......... (I have 3)
  14. Elco

    Elco User

    Fair enough @harley9883, but still better than having "only" 3 ;)

    I fully understand that games evolve over time and things that once were available, might no longer be (as for some reason the special event(s) were... retired) but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be too difficult to reintroduce bakery permits under the form of a forums' game.
    That could be a great incentive for those who have not reached that amount of bakeries to keep developing their cities :D
  15. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Just for the record. The forum games were and are created and managed by the Moderation Team. The prizes offered are selected and approved by the higher levels in Big Point. We can ask for specific prizes but they need to be approved.
    truelinor likes this.
  16. Elco

    Elco User

    @s.c.lynx Who doesn't dare, doesn't win and as currently there's no other way to potentially increase the amount of bakeries some (most?) of us have... ;):D
    s.c.lynx likes this.
  17. harley9883

    harley9883 User

    I couldn't agree more. The new owners running this game are acting weird. After all, look at whats going on in the Marketplace right now, it's totally nuts! Instead of sticking to one sell limit price, they just keep changing it by the hour or so, it's like playing musical chairs. Beams have a sale price limit of 180 one moment, and then move up to 250 an hour later, then it's off to 450 or 560, then back down the scale to 250 again. It's totally nuts!

    Ever since this game was acquired by its new owners, it's been pretty much neglected. But who knows, we can hope for change, ..right.
    truelinor and Elco like this.
  18. billyjim

    billyjim User

    harley9883 = actually there have been some changes to the game. They are just not the changes we wanted. The overhaul of the forum was a major project. But, we would have prefered the energy had been put into the game itself. We can only hope this is the begining of a new approach towards the game.

    For the record I am one of the lucky ones with nine bakeries, I actually had an oppurtunity to earn a tenth one and blew it. :oops::( The explanation given at the time of limiting production facility was to keep the economics of the game in check.
    truelinor likes this.
  19. harley9883

    harley9883 User

    Wow, a 10th one, I missed that one somehow. Hopefully, you're right, that this is the beginning of real change. In the mean time, the marketplace is pretty screwed up.
  20. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Actually I think it is acting more like it did back in the begining. The prices use to flucuate in the begining and then we got to the point where the items were all pegged at the maximum for several years. So this could be how it is suppose to work.
    truelinor likes this.