lost metro money

Discussion in 'Game Discussions & Feedback' started by michellicious, May 21, 2019.

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  1. I believe is lost soms metro money, i still had like 100+ but whe i stopped last night, but today only 1 left. I won new with the weekmarket now but i still cant think of a reason why i lost the 100+ (i believe 120 or something like that)
  2. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    First I have a question. Have you turned on the Metro Money confirmation alert. Using the bottom tool bar, click on the oprions button (far right button), then click on other options (top button in the drop up), then make sure the MM order confirmation is marked.

    Looking into your account you spent two transactions on today. The following is a copy of a section ofyour report:
    MetroMoneyquest . currencyreal21.05.2019 17:26:2150
    MetroMoneyquest . currencyreal21.05.2019 14:30:4560
    MetroMoneybuilding . create_place . currencyreal21.05.2019 14:30:19-136
    MetroMoneyquest . currencyreal21.05.2019 11:35:28150
    MetroMoneybuilding . create_place . currencyreal21.05.2019 01:12:36-125
    MetroMoneyquest . challenge . currencyreal19.05.2019 20:18:0025
  3. Mamc

    Mamc User

    Perdi os 400 Metro Moneys. O que aconteceu no meu jogo ?? Ontem à noite eu vou sair do jogo e, quando voltar, meu Metro Money se foi.
  4. billyjim

    billyjim User

    The forum requires that all postings are in English, with the exception of the alternate language sections. This allows the moderators to under stand your question better and response more quickly. Also you need to post your game ID number so they can find your particular game. The moderators will be along shortly
  5. Mamc

    Mamc User

  6. Mamc

    Mamc User

    I don´t speak English. I brazilian and the game don´t support in portuguese. My identification is 10190008.