Support Welcome to the English Forum

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by -Cornelius-, Jul 25, 2017.

Dear forum reader,

if you’d like to actively participate on the forum by joining discussions or starting your own threads or topics, please log into the game first. If you do not have a game account, you will need to register for one. We look forward to your next visit! CLICK HERE
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  1. -Cornelius-

    -Cornelius- Community Team Team RisingCities

    Dear forum users,

    Hereby, we would like to inform you that we in a few days will close a range of language forums for Rising Cities. Instead the users from the other languages will be redirected to the English forum where we also create a limited and non-moderatored international section for certain languages. In these international sections it is allowed to write in the assigned language. However the rest of the forum should be held in English.

    We welcome the many users from the other languages to this forum and hope you will also welcome them and take good care of them.

    Before we came to the conclusion to stop offering local forums we carefully examined the activity and looked at the number of active forum users from other languages. The reasoning why we have decided to discontinue these forum languages is because we do not have a lot of active forum users here. Every forum needs a certain number of active users (a “critical mass”) and if this critical mass is not reached then we need to find a solution. This is why we soon we will take those forums offline.

    As we already know a substantial share of users from other languages already visit the English forum; we have, therefore, come to the conclusion that changing the forum language to English will not reduce the community experience for the non-native English players in considerably.
    We thank all our forum users for their engagement and we look forward to welcoming new users forum users to the English forum.

    Kind regards,

    Your Bigpoint Support Team
    MichiTest, Faerie-Angel and s.c.lynx like this.
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