birthday tower

Discussion in 'Game Discussions & Feedback' started by Goldmine_City, Oct 20, 2018.

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  1. My birthday tower is level 3. But the first challenge doesn't work, it doesn't count how many times I collected rent at excellent city mood.
    I faced this problem before in my other town. Then I wrote to support and Bigpoint explained it was a error in the program, it troubled all players. And they skipped the first challenge.
    So knowing this I wrote support almost a year ago about this problem in this town, but Bigpoint didn't solve it. (although they promised to do so)
    I wrote support again this week, now the answer was they couldn't help me (????)
    The only advise they gave me, was take this question to the forum, maybe you can help me?

    So, is there anyone out there, who can help me?
  2. guyjean1

    guyjean1 User

    Bigpoint support is no longer interested in this game and it's a shame!
    For your problem, connect to another browser and try to solve your problem otherwise a little patience and @ s.c.lynx will surely settle this

    Le support Bigpoint ne s'intéresse plus à ce jeu et c'est bien dommage !
    Pour ton problème, connectes toi à un autre navigateur et tente de résoudre ton problème sinon un peu de patience et @s.c.lynx passera sûrement régler cela
  3. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    The sad answer from me is there is nothing I can do for you. The only work around is to use metro money to complete the first stage and then the remaining stages are fine.
  4. thanks for the quick answer. I never thougt about that possibility, because I always completed the challenges without Metro Money.
    Rosomack likes this.
  5. guyjean1

    guyjean1 User

    Sometimes, simply putting the house in the inventory and then putting it back on a city can fix this bug

    Parfois, le simple fait de mettre l'habitation dans l'inventaire puis de la remettre sur a ville peut réparer ce bug
  6. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    guyjean1 - Your suggestions are great for most, if not almost all situations. But, sad to say that the birthday tower is one of the exceptions. :(
    guyjean1 likes this.