collecting rent

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by wrighty8, Jun 11, 2018.

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  1. wrighty8

    wrighty8 User

    Hi im not sure if im collecting all of my rent off the properties. i click on the coin but sometimes it does not add them on to total. please have a look it might be me being silly. Thanks
    Wrighty8 4658170
  2. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    We went into your game and collected several rents and could find no issue. If it happens again let us know.
  3. wrighty8

    wrighty8 User

    thanks for looking . i just tried to collect rent from residential buildings and residential tower but no rent money. should of had at least 6000 city credits but none added. leaving it as is now for you to try . sorry to be a pain.
    wrighty8 4658170
  4. _Bosco_

    _Bosco_ User


    it's normal. Residential towers just give only production points, not money. The rent is not 6000 city credits but 6000 production points !
    It's the same with Urban cottage, Terraced Row House or Studio apartments for example.
  5. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    I am sorry I did not understand the question correctly. _Bosco_ is correct the "rent" collected from workers is production points only the capitalist par rent in coin. Students pay their "rent" in Education points. This is why you have to keep a variety of residents to earn all of these "rents"
  6. wrighty8

    wrighty8 User

    Hi thanks every one for feed back. I have been playing this game too long i think gone brain dead.
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