Quiet updates???

Discussion in 'Game Discussions & Feedback' started by T.STARK, Mar 23, 2018.

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  1. T.STARK

    T.STARK User

    Before moment I've checked Cinema state curious is any movies appear.
    There is appearing new heading sign with shopping cart icon (never was there before) in my local language. Looks like except movies is possibility earn md by filling in questionnaires.
    Anyone noticed that ?
  2. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    I checked but I did not get the same icon. But I had ten movies to watch. Keep us informed. This is a new one on me.
  3. T.STARK

    T.STARK User

    I know the questionnaires for md were available before, but i don't remember where.

    PS. The same option i found in City Hall(?) Menu Bar > Special Option > Cash for Action.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2018
  4. I get the same icon . it is just another way to get to Cash for Action.
    T.STARK likes this.
  5. T.STARK

    T.STARK User

    Yes, but it come few days ago and was no info about that.
    There is another problem - from today, when I log to the game it comes in address bar "Dangerous internet site". I use the same address all the time.

    PS. Problem is gone -probably my own software issue.

    One padlock please;)
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2018
  6. سلام
    T.STARK likes this.
  7. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    citynewislam - All postings in the forum must be in English with the exception of the alternate language sections.