Rising Cities Encrypted feed back

Discussion in 'Game Discussions & Feedback' started by tassie-devil, Aug 21, 2015.

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  1. Hello Mayors,

    Please use this thread to post your opinions and ideas on this game.

    your Rising Cities English Mod Team:):)
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2015
  2. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    Another nice idea. :)
  3. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I like it also.
  4. Please leave your Feedback to question 2 in this post thankyou :)
  5. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    Well, you certainly weren't kidding about making the second one harder. Now, of course, I think it should have been obvious. Seemed almost like nonsense at first. :p

    Nice job, piche.
  6. Mr.Crowley

    Mr.Crowley User

    I don't know this game kinda feels like a stall tactic. Because they are having so many issues with updating RC. When are we going to get a update?
  7. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Mr. Crowley with all due respect. But, you wanted something new and different and here they supplied you something new and different. You still are complaining and calling it a stalling tactic. When we get the update are you then going to say it is not enough or not what you wanted?
    cityrocks48 and piche413 like this.
  8. delisha

    delisha User

    This game is so nice.....and it's moderators are also very good.....players are also very nice:)
    Special thanks to moderators........that they are active.......in Fantasyrama,we don't feel like we have moderator or not and players also.....:)
  9. piche413

    piche413 User

    I like this game because it challenges you to do a little research to try and come up with the answers. I hope that the moderator's are able to keep it going. This game needs different ideas to keep it interesting and this seems to fill the void while we do wait for an expansion or whatever the developer's are going to come with if anything.
  10. Mr.Crowley

    Mr.Crowley User

    You are right, it is new. But the forums is apart from RC. And I am not one for head games, I see things for what they are. My mind is not built for this kinda game. Brains is not always my strong suit. I build or destroy. Brute force is my strong suit. I am a nice guy most days. But a pain in my employees backside everyday.I get the job done that's my job. I just wonder if RC has not had a update because they are afraid of what new bugs could crawl in. No one wants that. But if that's the case, I just want to know. If RC is a dieing game I won't jump ship till they come out with a better one. I will stay a faithful BigPoint gamer if I can.
  11. Mr.Crowly, I can lend you my stethescope, then you may hear the flutter of a heart beat. Rising cities is not dying,:p over the past couple of weeks i have noticed that there has been two bug fixes namely the whats brewing quest and the cineplex button also there was a maintenance downtime. So in my opinion there is hope that something is going on in the depths of this game and there is light at the end of the tunnel.:);)
    Andrewjf likes this.
  12. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Mr. Crowley, We shall go along singing our song together. I will be here for the long haul and they are going to have to pull the plug and shut down the servers to get rid of me. That is my opinion at this time. They would have to do something pretty drastic to get me to quit.
  13. Can we please stay on topic thankyou ;):)
  14. Congratulations Arsuru you certainly are good at this. :):D
    i am wondering what the mods will come up with for the next game :)
  15. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    What a surprise. :oops: I figured I was wrong, since the whole week was allowed to run. It was the only thing that matched the majority of the hint, I found.

    This question gave some false leads, I think. I certainly don't see the connection between cobblers and Queen, in any case. A couple other things could match, I thought, but still only partially. Some of the other responses were leaning towards my other guesses. I certainly wasn't certain though, and thought it may even require two answers.

    Thanks, skippy. I too am looking forward to the next one.

    Keep 'em coming! ;)