Task Bar Error

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by jimmyrain, Sep 3, 2019.

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  1. jimmyrain

    jimmyrain User

    Hi i have been having this problem for a couple of years now but i haven't done anything about it as it hasn't really felt the need. Today i decided i would just ask to see if you can help me resolve the issue. The daily or weekly tasks not sure what you call them. On the left hand side of the screen. Well i have 2 tasks on there that have been stuck there for years. one is choose a building speciality. I have chosen tens of building speciality's since but it won't register that i have and therefore remains without a tick. The other one is purchase improvement pack 1. Again i have tried this several times but with this one all tasks are ticked but it still remains stuck there. i was still getting regular tasks pooping up so i wasn't to bothered but since i last upgraded my town hall a couple weeks ago i haven't had a single one. Now i think until i can complete these tasks i'm not going to get any. I have tried to attach screenshots below but it wont let me upload a saved image only the url so hope that worked. Thankyou hope you can help..[​IMG] [​IMG] ID 7293922
  2. danda-vnovis

    danda-vnovis Board Administrator Team RisingCities

    Hello jimmyrain, the quest with the package - improvement pack 1 is finished and I fixed the bug there, so you can pick up the reward, it is done and it is only stuck and we can solve this problem very easy. This quest is called Home improvement, the second quest Practise makes perfect is fixed too. Now you can only do two things. Log in game and pick up your rewards.

    PS: please let us know, if it is now correct :)
    Artisan likes this.
  3. jimmyrain

    jimmyrain User

    Thank you very much. Problem solved. All this time and it was simple as that. Thanks again.
    danda-vnovis likes this.
  4. danda-vnovis

    danda-vnovis Board Administrator Team RisingCities

    You are welcome jimmyrain :);)
    This thread can be closed now and enjoy gaming
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