My city or piece of it 2

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by mjcryo, Dec 10, 2013.

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  1. skb13

    skb13 User

    Skippy: they're a prize from the loot-o-matic wheel. But a pretty rare prize at that. I don't think I want to know how many tickets he needed to get 13.
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2014
  2. i was thinking that and nor do i, but thought there might be something i wasnt aware of
  3. -damidami-

    -damidami- User

    I like like like!!! *.*
    icebreaker84 likes this.
  4. Hipshot

    Hipshot User

    DON'T TURN YOUR BACK FOR EVEN A MINUTE. I did and the darn kids took their dirt bikes and started racing around some of the undeveloped land. They made a regular race track out there. Now, the other folk are driving their cars on it and turned it into a hiking trail as well.


    Man, what a pain.
  5. Can somebody please tell me how you get your screenshots on here? I can get the screenshots and save them as jpgs but that's as far as I can get.
  6. You need to upload pictures to another server like and then link it from here using "image" icon at the top of this text window. Unfortunatelly direct upload doesn't work here as far as I know.

    Or maybe somebody found another trick already?
  7. Another server? Another website?
  8. Yes. Image server like imageshack and similar.
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  9. Hmmm ... okay. I'll work on that . Maybe I can get a couple of good shots and show off my city a little bit ...
  10. nervo82

    nervo82 User


    My tired only engineer. will cost 130k EP for his next 27 missions, got 5 points for final level (plenty long enough for me to realise how stupid I was giving him that much alertness). Rookies becoming contamination agents do me little good as I have Peter Perfect:


    I've got 2 perfectly serviceable marshalls and have just saved enough Vit-X for a new guy, here's hoping ...
    qwertz111 likes this.
  11. alibaba92

    alibaba92 User

    Peace of my city [​IMG] [​IMG]
  12. -damidami-

    -damidami- User

    A little piece of Japan ... (coast land)

  13. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    Looking nice as always and smart to save the stones :)
    Andrewjf likes this.
  14. -damidami-

    -damidami- User

    Yes^-^... stones are pefect for this little corner.
    I decided to keep them when I won my first japanese torii. ^-^'''
    Andrewjf likes this.
  15. accelman

    accelman User

    Finally finished buying up all the land on the "city" side (only used MM for the secret building power plant plot when it was $1M). Took forever! That's why not so many high level buildings on level 38. Anyway, now I can begin focusing on beautifying/building/upgrades.


    I love the fact of unlimited road permits... the grassy ones are nice to create a little friendly yard space.
    matthewkrvsls likes this.
  16. Hipshot

    Hipshot User

    I did the same thing you did, kept the city small and bought all the land using only CC, no MM. And, you're right, it took forever to do it. I got really good at selling stuff on the market and producing things that sold easily.

    I also noticed that I can fill the land with 'turf' and not have to spend time clearing it when I want to build. You can also build big parking lots to catch road drops during events. The game drops on turf also, but it doesn't seem to be as much as it does on some kind of road.

    What you'll find is that now that you have learned how to make CC, you'll have plenty of money to build stuff. Except the darn city hall, it's expensive.
  17. skb13

    skb13 User

    Look what I found in my city:
    Biomass power plant. 3x3, +600 power, -150 mood.
    Hipshot and alibaba92 like this.
  18. So you got lucky on Mysteries. :)
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  19. alibaba92

    alibaba92 User

    wow looks great,
  20. excellent piece of luck well done :):):)
    wildheart50122 likes this.
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