My city or piece of it 2

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by mjcryo, Dec 10, 2013.

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  1. Congrats! I'd really like one for my city :)
  2. And I saw the statistics before, which are great too. :)
  3. Three hotels near the beach:

    -damidami- and wildheart50122 like this.
  4. you lukey
  5. @daniel

    Another nice spacious arrangement.
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  6. where do you find these hotels they look awesome
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  7. These are booster pack rewards, Skippy. I have two of my own. I'd like to know how he got two arbors, though. I only got one from the Valentine's event and wish I had more.
  8. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    Got one from bronze.
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  9. can you post images on here from flicker?

  10. Thanks, guys !

    Those buildings are called Sunrise Lofts and, like wildheart said, I receive them from booster packs. I still have a permit in my designer depot, but I'm waiting for the possibility to move my manufacture buildings to my main city, in order to have more space.
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  11. -damidami-

    -damidami- User

    It's a very nice view. I've got one of these in a bronze pack. And I hope to find others.
    please, show us your whole coast ^-^
  12. Here a update of my city, beach and the new piece of land.:D






    New land::cool:


    Some of the house's are already a stage higher. :oops:
    I've already complained on the Dutch forum, that I need new land. :rolleyes::oops::D
  13. And BigPoint will provide.. soon :)
    You have a nice city!
    Noordbrabant likes this.
  14. How can I refuse?

    My Coast:


    And a little bonus:

    My City:

  15. Yes, you can.
  16. babyfaced

    babyfaced User

    Oooooooh proper gonna steal your idea lol! LOVE It!:D
    -damidami- likes this.
  17. how? i tried and i can't
  18. You have to use the url from the pics you post and link it to your post here. I used photobucket for mine, but flickr should still work.
  19. i try going to the image box put in what i think is the url and it comes up with a box like this
    how do i stop this from happen.

    Thank Thomas
  20. If you look at the top of the box where you do your writing, you will see what looks like two separate chain links ... the one on the left is just a link while the one on the right has an x on the bottom of it. You would click on the one on the left and put your url in the box that pops up. When you hit enter, it should display your picture with the post as long as it's a good url.
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