Show us your Mastery

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by jeffsquatch, Dec 19, 2013.

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  1. Well, there are even worse places to live at, but even here, the only place I might like would be the house at the edge, windows facing out in the green. Otherwise you wouldn't get me there. :) Where I live now it's mostly trees and gardens around.
    tpaintdoc05 likes this.
  2. skb13

    skb13 User

    I found one of these over the weekend. At 750 tiles for 8 more population, not one to build for the return on investment or population, but nice anyway.
    nervo82 likes this.

  3. A couple of days ago I've upgraded mine too !!!
  4. nervo82

    nervo82 User


    I'd like to contribute here, but its going to take a while.
    *kimmi* likes this.
  5. Hipshot

    Hipshot User

    Yes, you have to nurse the events and probably change the residents with master keys to complete these things. It's a total pain, but it can be done. I let a few events time out while I collected drops to get past this kind of thing.
  6. Level 4 Designer Apartment :)

    nervo82 and Noordbrabant like this.
  7. kuroyany

    kuroyany User

    These have to be my favourite residential given it's rent & needs. Got an epic solar panel,bar & satellite dish on all mine (well that's the plan)
  8. -Skyla-2

    -Skyla-2 User

    Well, it's nothing compared to what some of you have ... that being said ... I *did* take an extended break from RC ... came back to find a *new* game! So much has changed!

    Here's my 1st Level 4 ... (just came back yesterday so :p )


    And man o man ... this game now has whole new levels of "challenge" to it! Look forward to it but hope I don't become *too* addicted !!!
    daniel23492 likes this.
  9. *kimmi*

    *kimmi* User



    I really like those prefab home - it's the only 'action'-houses in the game :p
  10. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    And if you hit it every two min its the best house in game!
    Most find that to time consuming to do for even one day thou.
    *kimmi* likes this.
  11. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I agree with you it is a steady earner and keeps your fingers busy. I have built a community of prefab houses in the burbs. While I play the game the first thing I do is collect rent from them, then do some other activity, come back to the prefab houses collect rent again, do another task, repeat as long as I am online. They may not make a fortune but doing this yields in an hour more than most other residences do in a day. :)
    *kimmi* likes this.
  12. *kimmi*

    *kimmi* User


    no improvements


    no improvements


    no improvements

    no improvements


    no improvements
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2014
    daniel23492 likes this.
  13. Some new Level 4 Buildings:

    Apartment Complex:


    Futuristic Tower Block:




    Brownstone Flats:

    MillerWrox and *kimmi* like this.
  14. *kimmi*

    *kimmi* User

    How many events before you could move on to challenge 4? or did you use the fast button ( [​IMG] ) ;) :p
  15. I used MM mostly for "Collect X weekly Event drops". However, for most of the mastery tasks, I waited to complete them naturally.
    *kimmi* likes this.
  16. -Skyla-2

    -Skyla-2 User

    That Nexus looks cool :) Look forward to getting mine up to lvl 4

    Here's my current "Mastery Zone"

    *kimmi* likes this.
  17. *kimmi*

    *kimmi* User

    Nice Little corner you have in the Burbs ... and it cann't be long before you have a lv4 Nexus - since you now have access to 6 brickyards :p
  18. skb13

    skb13 User

    Finally made it - another Lv4 - this time in Snow land:
    MillerWrox likes this.
  19. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Wish I knew how to post those screenshots. I have a Level 4 Haunted Tower I like a lot. Its stats are good but not as good as that manor lol.
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