Valentine's Day

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by Cotewa, Feb 9, 2017.

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  1. Cotewa

    Cotewa User

    Is this event also been cancelled like the Winter event?
    wrighty8, Amjel and nennesby like this.
  2. nennesby

    nennesby User

    They cannot do that if they want us to play!!!!!
    lucysnowe, wrighty8 and Amjel like this.
  3. Jamerica

    Jamerica User

    This game is obviously being fazed out. They are still making money from advertising and people buying MM's and other things. So they will let the game drag on. My advice to anyone giving them money is to stop, your money is not going to the improvement of the game but, just filling someones pocket.
    lucysnowe, wrighty8 and Amjel like this.
  4. wrighty8

    wrighty8 User

    who is in charge of this once great game??? Dick Turpin or Robin Hood. i cant believe they going to let this once great game rot. if some one is out there and they care or really give a S**t CAN THEY PLEASE TELL US TO STOP WASTING OUR TIME . Or give us some evidence that there is something happening in the near future.
  5. magicboxdk

    magicboxdk User

    That this event didn't come was a huge disappointment. I had the day off and was waiting by the computer for this event. I don't even mind if they had reused the event down to the exact details from previous years.

    My job requires me to be away from big chunks of the year, so I miss a lot of special events. When Im finally at home and they don't show it's a double disappointment :(
    wrighty8 and nennesby like this.