Funny pictures and gifs

Discussion in 'Players' Corner' started by NoslyaM, Jun 20, 2017.

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  1. NoslyaM

    NoslyaM User

    Hello fellow Mayors,
    This thread will be used for posting funny pictures and gifs, please follow the rules

    There will be some rules to follow, here they are:

    Please avoid: [​IMG]

    • References to alcohol, brands and violent acts;
    • Making Spam (posts followed by the same player);
    • Disrespecting the moderators and / or other players;
    • Remember that children are attending our forum, we are adults so we shoul know how to behave and talk;
    • The presence of moderators can be reduced to the strictly necessary in this thread;
    • We will not tolerate threats, inappropriate language, lack of education or aggression;
    • The use of languages other that English are not allowed .
    • Disrespecting the rules of the chat, showing disrespect for the company(Bigpoint), incitement to strike - all these acts are punishable with forum Banishment for a period to be determined depending on the offense.

    To the Moderating Team is saved the right to intervene and apply the necessary punitive sanctions whenever they think it is needed.

    We wish a lot of fun and lots of good conversation !!

    I begin...

    [​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG]
    VitaNes, Isaboo and stevosko like this.
  2. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

  3. NoslyaM

    NoslyaM User

    Go go Spider......Oh god :eek::eek:

  4. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

  5. NoslyaM

    NoslyaM User

    To infinity and beyond...:D:D:D:D
  6. stevosko

    stevosko User

  7. NoslyaM

    NoslyaM User

    Don't touch me human!!

  8. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities


    I'm feeling kind of stange today... I wonder why...
    stevosko and NoslyaM like this.
  9. NoslyaM

    NoslyaM User


    stevosko likes this.
  10. 7benjamin9

    7benjamin9 User

  11. NoslyaM

    NoslyaM User


    [​IMG] [​IMG]
