Forum Games feedback and suggestions

Discussion in 'Game Discussions & Feedback' started by tassie-devil, Sep 25, 2015.

Dear forum reader,

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  1. lala3691

    lala3691 User

    ID 9994566 Welcome! I do not know where to write, so I'm writing here ... tell me how to play the game if there are such prices on the market? ... Level 27 to complete the tasks I need to buy materials on the market, but there everything is now sold by such huge packages that I I can not afford to buy ... to make a brick you need a lot of resources and a lot of time, but there is a brick in the market cheaper than a tomato ... I really do not want to throw a game but it's impossible to play either ..
  2. berser

    berser User

    Oyun neden gelişmiyor 2 yıldır yeni birşey yok
    LILA-SKILAKI likes this.
  3. nimeria

    nimeria User

    Years passed and we still have the old four playground fields and all hopes for at least new one are gone too....
    LILA-SKILAKI and MICRO10 like this.
  4. Hi,i have a acount in this game,but i am not playing from a long time. i forget my acount name and now how i can remove it. My acount must be Dreamcather or Dream8464 and mail are or If have any chance in this case to find my old acc i will very happy. Thanks and sorry if is not here the place for that.
  5. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    grigor_ivanov - I have checked both of the names you have listed and neither exist in the system at this time. Depending how long your account has been inactive is a factor. The game is purged of inactive accounts regularly. (no I do not know how frequently). If you have been away for several months it is possible your account has been purged.
  6. T.STARK

    T.STARK User

    I always knew, that game have got something, if players after long time wants come back to it.
    It's pity, that sometimes is to late for them, but there is always possibility to play game from start;)
    Anyway I want to say, that I have got my accout long time, never left game for longer time and there was never problem with my account, which is commendable:)
  7. kukenkun

    kukenkun User

    you guys dont feel tired of having the same event again, again and again? I joined the game 1 month ago and when i looked at the calendar, it just goes around with the same loop month after month: lumberjack, antiquity, flea, children, rock fest, car, biker, circus and artist. I looked further and guys, this loop has existed for 5 years already. Can we try something new?
    nimeria and Lideczka676 like this.
  8. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities
