Suggestion ID automatically posted

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by Elco, Sep 6, 2017.

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  1. Elco

    Elco User

    Hi mods,

    More often than not, those reaching out to you about an issue encountered in their game, do not mention their ID despite this being highly needed in order to trace their account.
    I know I did too until I decided to include it as my signature.

    There is obviously still a way around as you seem to be able to trace an account thanks to the player's nickname, but it probably isn't as handy as using a straightforward ID if it is given.

    So why not twisting slightly the way the forums work by making the ID an automatic feature underneath the name of a player?

    I have of course absolutely no idea as to how feasible this could be, but that would ought to sort that recurring query ("what's your ID please?") out once and for all ;)
    tassie-devil likes this.
  2. G`day Elco, thanks for your thoughts on this age old issue it is a worthy suggestion for the RC management to consider
    Elco likes this.