Support Optimizing the forum structure

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by -Cornelius-, Jun 26, 2017.

Dear forum reader,

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  1. -Cornelius-

    -Cornelius- Community Team Team RisingCities

    Dear Rising Cities forum users,

    In the next few days and weeks we will be optimizing the entire structure for the english forum meaning certain areas will be merged and some areas will be removed.

    We expect this work to be done in the beginning of July.

    Best regards,
    Your Bigpoint Support Team
    mardesal likes this.
  2. -Cornelius-

    -Cornelius- Community Team Team RisingCities

    Hello community,

    Please be informed that we have now finished the work on the forum for now. As you will notice several areas were merged into one main area.

    We hope you will like the new and cleaner structure and that you will continue using the forum.

    Best regards,
    Your Bigpoint Support Team
    mardesal and Elco like this.
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