Weekly Poll (behind the scenes)

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Iso-Hampuri, Mar 4, 2014.

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  1. Hello Mayors,

    As there have been some questions and doubts about the significance of the Weekly Poll. Why do we ask our players to cast their vote, if they do not receive any feedback?

    Let us explain:

    There are different reasons and goals for each poll question.
    1.Questions like “Is it more important that your city is efficient or pretty?” or “Which is your favorite (Weekly) Quest” help us gain a general understanding of our players’ preferences.

    2.Questions like “Would you prefer the game to start in Full Screen?” have a certain goal in mind. Usually, it is something that somebody in our team is thinking about, but has not made any concrete plans yet. As you know, it takes some time to include changes into our roadmap. Sometimes plans even get scratched in favor of other ideas. However, now we know what players think about this, and this is good for us to know in the long run.

    3.Questions like “What themes do you think would be great for the next City Wheel content we will add?” or “Which theme would you prefer for a third playfield?” are real, acute questions. Here our players take part in designing the game. We will try as much as possible to respect the players’ votes here.

    However, we will try to include as much feedback as possible in the series of Producer’s Letter. We document all the results of every poll and send them to our game designers, producer and technical lead. That way they are always informed.

    In short: We are really happy about the participation in the Weekly Poll, and we use it to coordinate our long-term planning. Sometimes a poll question is based on an idea that we have, which we then want to run by our community, just to see what our players think. Other questions, especially about content, give us direct feedback from the players which we will use for our game design.

    Your Rising Cities Team.
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