Bakery(ies) please

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Chickster, Dec 26, 2013.

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  1. Chickster

    Chickster User

    Could I make a Christmas or New Year plea to the designers / developers to give us one or two or more bakeries. An event with a bakery prize would be fantastic. Matching bakeries to the sawmills would be even better.

    I am constantly having to purchase buns, doughnuts and pizza - to say nothing of the event requirements - which means I cannot upgrade my buildings and City Hall, because every time I get close, I have to spend umpteen CCs on replenishing my stocks of these items. Or, I have to leave some of my service buildings empty - which means I am not optimising my game features.

    Whilst some may consider this a 'challenge' (this has been postulated before) I merely see it as a left-over from the original game idea, before many of the houses and buildings which require the huge amounts of these bakery products were introduced or conceived.

    If this was the idea, to keep us short of one commodity, it seems a rather bizarre notion.

    So please Mr Developer / Designer bring some post-Christmas cheer or a New Year Event prize of one or more bakery permissions; then our starving citizens can once more have their morning buns, lunch doughnuts and evening pizzas.
  2. See? Here you are contradicting yourself a bit. You confirm you could upgrade your buildings and CH if you wanted, but you chose not to. Power of choice which we all excercise. :) Some other people excercise their power of choice in such a way that it doesn't lead them to this kind of complaint/dilema. Which suggests that the game economy is nicely balanced and perfectly manageable, if one choses the right strategy, of course. :)

    Here I can only say I wish Mr Moritz was more communicative, provided somebody on the team has clear idea about where the game is going, like that Canadien manager of Farmerama. If he communicated like she does I think it would help a lot of players better understand the game dynamics and possibly reduce dissatisfaction of some. In fact I would almost feel his lack of PR skills or rather detatched communication strategy of the team is by far the biggest problem of this game. Well, just a wish ................
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2013
  3. -MrMungo-

    -MrMungo- User

    Mr Moritz has left Rising Cities, as far as I know.
    Didn't you get the memo? :p

    I'm with Chickster.
    Whilst it is a choice, once you get past the mid-range, it becomes impossible to keep up with the bread requirements when you have to produce donuts + pizza dough aswell.
    I've now had to put 5 of my bread baskets in storage just because they were practically useless and just in the way. It shouldn't be like that.
    Challenging, I am all for. Impossible? Less keen on that!

    Any residential prizes tend to require bread aswell, which just makes it even more difficult!
  4. No, did you? :)

    I know you are. I think the determining factor is expectation or asumption. Anyone assuming all needs have to be met, or that the game is about maximizing output and nothing else, gets in your kind of dilema and bothered by "impossibilities". Anyone taking this as an option gets my kind of freedom and enjoyment from possibilities and variety. :) Even empty bread baskets are not useless as they provide mood improvement and some of them actually look nice and provide kind of decorative supplement. :) And while you say "it shouldn't be like that" I say "and why not?". See? Got my point? Where you see impossibility, I see options and opportunity.

    I dare to assume that the makers of the game had something more in mind then just "make as much money and resources as you can" type of game. And that's why this situation makes perfect sense for me and objections of above type look unsubstantiated or a result of misunderstanding.
    franklysa likes this.
  5. franklysa

    franklysa User

    I agree. I have 3 bread baskets sitting unused at the moment because i have no need for them except for their mood enhancement. I find they are cheaper than my mood enhancers like trees. They are easier to move as well.
  6. brucenic

    brucenic User

    I'm not with you on this nortoncommander and have not been for some time.
    While I understand that there needs to be a challenge and not everything should be immediately available, that is some things should only unlock at certain levels or through challenges; making it cast in stone that there is only 3 bakeries for ever is, quite frankly, ridiculous.

    Are we living in a communist dictatorship?

    Or is this a capitalist environment where the decisions I make affect my success?
    Why should I not have the possibility of building 10 bakeries if that is what I think would be a good plan?

    This false limit is a vain attempt to try and get some action in the market, I believe, but there are other
    more serious reasons why that doesn't work.

    You state "Power of choice that we all exercise" - that's the point; there is NO choice. As far as bakeries go. There is no option.

    I have 4 unfilled breadbaskets now, and 1 unused permit. And I'm not yet needing to make pizza!
    There is no point in going to the market because rolls cost about 10 times more than the needs benefit improvement I would get. In fact, I should just sell every roll I make; that would make the most financial sense but it makes a complete mockery of having any breadbaskets at all. It makes a mockery of expensive
    upgrades to buildings for minimal additional return as I can't meet the needs.

    Come on BP; give me a CHOICE !
  7. I will try to be brief as I don't want to get too much into it and too much philosophical:

    To put very simply, your reasoning sounds to me like someone playing the game of chess and complaining "why can't I move any figure any direction and as far as I like? C'mon! Give me a choice!" ....... which I find rather amusing. :) Erm .... have you played game of chess? :)

    No, it's neither communist, nor capitalist environment. It's virtual environment, it's a computer game run by rules set by game makers, not much, if anything, to do with real world mechanics. Due to that both my and yours approach are substantially correct and the game can be developped in any direction, always affecting gamers experience, somewhere for better, somewhere for worse, changing the game a little or to something completelly different. :)

    Of course you can see reasons for st "not working" to your liking as I can see ones in other areas, yet the reality proves it is working extremely well - maybe not to your or mine full satisfaction, but still remarkably well.

    All I've been doing was just offering a different perspective to those complaining of not having enough of this or that comodity or power or use etc. Let's see what direction will BP take with this good and fun game.

    Yeah, it's nothing more than a game, really. Have fun gamming. :cool: :p :cool:
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2013
  8. brucenic

    brucenic User

    It is a game, I do understand that. And to be fair, BP have made big improvements recently that I appreciate.
    My point is that while the rules are made by the game makers, the strategy should be made by the players, each of whom should be free to work out a good strategy for themselves.
    Severely limiting building choice means there is no strategy. I bet every one who can has 3 lvl 3 bakeries.
    If it were possible to build 10, then some might go overboard and build them all, selling to the market. This would drop the market price, meaning that some might decide to have none, again changing the market price. This would make for more thinking, and more city types, and a much more dynamic playing environment.
    (Of course, as it stands, bakeries are needed for challenges so no bakeries is not a current option).

    This is not like playing chess with no rules; there are still limits to CC, bricks, beams, land to build on, power to supply it all, mood effects etc.

    I'm having fun, (playing every day for 9 months!) but I just think less restrictions would make the game better. :)
  9. I am making my strategy freely within the environment set by game makers and enjoying it. And it is a good strategy. Why do you feel you can't make a good strategy under current conditions? I think you can as much as I. :rolleyes: :cool: :p :cool: :rolleyes:
  10. brucenic

    brucenic User

    I am making a strategy as best I can within the rules; and I AM enjoying it; I just think there should be more flexibility.
    As I said, the ONLY strategy is 3 lvl 3 bakeries. And if we were allowed 4, the only strategy would be to have 4.
    Imagine if we were allowed 15 manufacturing facilities which could be bakeries or farms or mills or breweries. (The number would increase as you unlocked levels).
    So you could have 15 farms only or 7 farms, 7 bakeries, and 1 mill.
    What number of each would you choose?
    Do you think this might change over time as you progressed through the game?
    Don't you think it better that you choose the ratio rather than the game makers?
    Don't you think it would make more scope for strategy?

    We have this to some extent with power stations. I'm buying solar panels with MM instead of building coal plants for only 50k CC. That's my choice and my strategy, and it is not the most economic choice.
    I'm saving up all the resources needed for hydro plant, because again, I'd rather have one of these (with half the power output) than another coal plant.

    Of course, the fact we need all types for challenges negates total freedom of choice, but that's another thread altogether.
  11. I like that idea with limited number of unspecified type of production plants. That's cool one. :)

    Otherwise I think the main limitations are in your mind. With 3 bakeries you still have multiple options 3 level 3 being just one of them many. But you chose not to consider the others as an option. In fact you can go with zero bakery or any mix of numbers and levels. It's your choice and your strategy to stick with the max. Nobody for example forces you to build a single bread basket. You could actually chose to ignore anything connected to bakeries completely in your game and it would still be a very well playable and enjoyable endeavour. :)

    While not denying some things could be done better, with wider options or just differently, you would also benefit from more flexibility and creativity in thinking. :) Ultimatelly we are here getting to the difference between "can't" and "don't want to" which so many people confuse so easily. You say "can't" not only to denote real imposibility but also where "don't want to" would be a lot more appropriate since options are available. :) But I said I don't want to get too philosophical so I force myself to stop here as gamers forum is certainly not the best platform for lectures in psychology, linguistics or logic. :D :D :D

    Let's get back to simple click click click gaming. I've just done about a hundred right hand finger movements which don't improve my RL a bit. :rolleyes: ;) :rolleyes:
  12. McChicken

    McChicken User

    I've got a tip for you I never have a shortage of buns and other stuff.
    You fill up on buns in the shop and after collecting rent you take it all out with the double -- and go to the next store and go on repeating that and with that i got over 1000 buns and now I got all my stores full with buns and don't have problem with not having enough buns or donuts for that matter.
  13. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    Great idea :)
  14. -MrMungo-

    -MrMungo- User

    This is something interesting.
    Having a limited amount of manufacturing facilities but having the choice of them would make the game very interesting indeed.

    Not that I totally agree on the number 15, but I guess that would depend on your mayor level.
  15. supertoro

    supertoro User

    The problem is that the residents just ate up all the buns so there is nothing left for the next shop.

    I have the same problem that I am permanently out of bread. Three bakery are just not enough to produced enough to feed the city, let alone having to produce donuts and pizza as well!...I could do with two more bakery actually!
    kittenPow likes this.
  16. I've read it somewhere that the man will not live by bread alone. :) Try feeding them with some potatoes or strawberies instead. :p
  17. -MrMungo-

    -MrMungo- User

    I'm not sure strawberries (raspberries?!) will be too popular in the bread basket...
  18. Of course you are correct, it's raspberries I had in mind. :) Who told you to use bread baskets? :D
  19. brucenic

    brucenic User

    [quote="-Not that I totally agree on the number 15, but I guess that would depend on your mayor level.[/quote]

    My proposal is only a subtle change from current method:

    Level 3 Unlocks 5 mills
    Level 6 unlocks 10 manufacturing facilities (MF) which may be farms or mills in any combination
    Level 10 unlocks 15 MF; farms,mills,brickyards
    Level 13 unlocks 18 MF; farms, mills, brickyards, bakeries
    Level 19 unlocks 21 MF; farms, mills, brickyards, bakeries, breweries
    Level 28 unlocks 24 MF; farms, mills, brickyards, bakeries, breweries, fishery
    Level 36 unlocks 27 MF; farms, mills, brickyards, bakeries, breweries, fishery, ranch.

    No matter what level someone is at, they can have the same number of MF as currently. If a different type was desired, either an unused permit would be used or an existing MF demolished.

    I'd more than happily swap a farm for a bakery.
  20. The same logic could be applied to Commercials and Residentials. And then we would have a completely different game. :)
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