Birds eye view

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Nostrodamus, Nov 28, 2013.

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  1. Is there a way you can make it possible to put a birds eye view in so you can see the entire city at once?
  2. QueenVee

    QueenVee User

    Ah, anothre frenchmen! Oui..c'est moi..
    If You are using a Windows Pc.and as I am not aware as to how "large" Your "City " is or on what level, but with Windows Vista/7 or 8 ,push funtion 11 key~F11 key~(above the numbre 0(zero){(this will open your Entire screen)there will be No Address;or toolbars visible to You,so at this point You should be able to see it all(If not, if your city is exra large, miminize your font size to "75%" instead of 100 or 125..,on your settings, botton to your clock) & when you are ready to return to Your "regular screen" ,push the F11 key again..If You need to "refresh " Your screen ,due to pixalization..Just push your pointre towards the top of the pasge and you will be able to see the address bar w/ refresh button: Just push on the refresh and it will do so;.and you should then be able to see you entire city. I hope this info. helps You out.. As I do so everytime I play..RC. Happy Playing and viewing "Eagle eyes"..Let Me know how this works out for You... bon chance.. Good Luck..
    User-id: QueenVee
    Joined: 02 Septembre, 2013

    Ps. aldo loking for new neighbours, since "Name change"~ today..
    TellusXIV likes this.
  3. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    Good tip, helped me and its working fine :)
  4. Arketec

    Arketec User

    Does anyone know how to do that with a mac?
  5. Hipshot

    Hipshot User

    Back way up from it and squint.
  6. Arketec

    Arketec User

    sorry I thought you meant a plan view. Did you mean a plan view? Is it possible to get a plan view? If so how do you do it on a mac. Thanks
    QueenVee likes this.
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