Increased Production

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by wizardelo, Dec 2, 2013.

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  1. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    another week has passed, another thread bump
    my city is overcrowded, we need more production!!!
    if we cant expand on land the only way to go is UP which costs materials.
  2. You can buy some at the market if you are in need. I can sell you some. What are you buying? :)

    Goods on the market show there already is some overproduction even without everybody utilising their facilities to the max. :)

    Btw if your city is overcrowded it means you already packed too much in it, so you have to slow down in your development. :)
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2013
  3. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    market price per brick is 600ea. this constant price growth surely makes you realize that the need is much greater then the production.
  4. That makes me realise that the market is healthy and growing. :) It also makes me realise there is enough money in the system for these prices to be acceptable. I think we should all do our best to keep it this way. :) Let's not allow some greedy venture capitalists spoil our economy. :p
  5. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    riiight, tnx for the free topic bump.
  6. You're very welcome wizardelo. :)

    Remember it's not the topic bumps which make things happen but mysterious whims and moods of by no means less mysterious Mr Moritz. :)

    Yet I have to say that to his providence we owe our thanks for wonderfully functioning market, which under his management was raised from the dead and came so beautifully alive. :)

    All hail Mr Moritz !

    errrrrrrrrm .......... or should I rather say "God save the Queen"? :)
  7. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    800cc per brick slab
    400cc per panneling

    market is going great, i guess there is alot of cc in the game and needs to be "balanced" before changing anything. I cant figure out how people can afford to buy at these prices, but yey for them.

    but it doesnt mean i will give up wanting more production for a self sustained city.
  8. A have asked myself the same question. And don't know the answer. But shush with limiting CC in the game ........... lol
  9. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    limiting i doubt, i just guess that market taxes purge a nice amount of cc from the game daily.
  10. Good point. Should we rally against too high market taxes? :)
  11. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    nah,. ppl who sell at outrageous prices deserve high tax!
  12. They need these prices because of taxes. :p

    I guess that makes the state crazy rich. What do you think they do with all that tax income? Shouldn't we expect some well developped infrastructure and social services with so much taxing?
  13. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    my city has managed to replace all country lane with high-speed roads and residential plaza. not sure if i like the investment but i guess its something.
  14. Yes, that's cool. But that comes from municipal budget. Where does the state money go? Or are you the recipient of sale taxes? :)
  15. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    aaah ur right, my bad, no idea where state taxes go. but i keep pushing for my personal agends in these updates & ideas.
  16. Maybe all these tax money are used by some kind of market robot which uses them to keep the market going bidding for high priced and impossibly volumed offers. I'm just joking but it would be really smart to have some kind of AI robot influencing the market keeping it healthy. Starting to like my own idea here ........ lol :) Maybe MrMoritz is this AI character. :)

    Devs! Are you taking notes?
  17. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    BP already have AI on the market, to bad they are so badly designed so they destroy more then they help :(
  18. Here's another idea...
    What about a way of upgrading the manufacturing facilities, not by producing more, although that would be good too, but by actually speeding up production time by a certain%.
    I'm sorry if this as already been mentioned, this has turned in to such a long thread, if it was mentioned I missed it. Font size is not as large as the old forum, so is more difficult to read it quickly.
    Andrewjf and harley9883 like this.
  19. franklysa

    franklysa User

    The taxes go back to the people in the for of the Loot o matic and the events prizes
  20. -MrMungo-

    -MrMungo- User

    I don't often buy panelling, but sometimes purchases bricks, and the prizes have hiked up a LOT lately.
    I guess there are now a lot of people getting into the 40s and some have even made it to level 50, and at that point, most will have more PP than they will ever need (see separate thread!), some have given up on Emergency System/Students, which leaves a city full of capitalists.
    Ie, lots of money! Plus the introduction of the loot-o-matic seems to have added a lot more money into the game aswell.
    Not so long ago, they reduced the prizes of most commercial buildings + some residential buildings, which all adds up.

    I don't have the biggest city, or even close to it, yet I can make half a million daily without any major issues.

    With the brickyards being limited @ 5, and most items taking a while to produce, there's just that to spend my CC on.
    nortoncommander likes this.
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