Marketplace issue

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Goober20, Jan 4, 2014.

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  1. Goober20

    Goober20 User

    Good Day,

    Was trying to go to the marketplace - using the "button" at the bottom of the screen. The button would "highlight" when the cursor was over it (like the other buttons) and when you pressed it, it would turn blue (like the other buttons). But that was it - the marketplace window wouldn't show up (unlike the other buttons like 'friends' or 'warehouse' which are acting as programed).

    Any assistance would be great. Thanks.
  2. MudCup

    MudCup User

    I would suggest refreshing your page and if that doesn't work you might try logging out then logging back in :)
  3. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Please try and remember to include your ID number it makes finding you in a data base of 4 Million a lot easier.

    I did find your account and it is working perfectly I tested using both IE and Firefox and the market shows up each time.

    Are you using Chrome by any chance?.
  4. Goober20

    Goober20 User

  5. Goober20

    Goober20 User

    Thanks for testing. I tried it this morning and I'm having the same problem. I did get in yesterday one time.

    I have IE and Firefox (no Chrome - try not to deal w/ Google) and will try on both browsers again.

    Goober20 | ID 7506289
  6. Goober20

    Goober20 User

    Update - marketplace worked for Firefox this morning; not for IE.

    Goober20 ID 7506289
  7. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Ok thanks for the updates I did test your account again without issue but we do have several people with the same issue so I know it is real.

    I have added the problem to the devs list and they will take a look in the next few days when they get through the Xmas backlog.

    Not much more I can do here as it is a system issue so I will close.:)

    Thanks again for your patience though.:D:D:D
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