Please send this to Dev

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Joey77, Jan 5, 2014.

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  1. Joey77

    Joey77 User

    Hello Devs....

    When I first started this game I liked to spend money on it, most games I play if I like it I spend money. No problem there, but since bug after bug and lame prizes and rewards, also dumb code has made me think the Devs are not serious, but only care about the money in their pocket. I will give money to serious game developers, but not to a party of fools.

    If this game was true, we would see the Emergency response be more player friendly. E.R. is a joke, I spend money to buy Vitamin-X so I can boost my responders to max, but then they turn out to be ones I don't need over and over. You make it so 90% of emergencies need a Medic or Engineer, but then you keep giving me stupid Contamination and others I don't need. I fail 90% of emergencies cause you won't give me what I need to successfully complete them. By the time I've finally reached enough medals, you reward me with tomatoes (barfs in a bag and hands it to you). How do you like it?

    Many months ago I received a 40 person house, and since then not one, I gave up trying with 200% more emergencies, this just cost me more money and leaves me with nothing but 200 more tomatoes. (angry face) After 3 months of not receiving a Medic like I need (actually need two Medics), and only junk prizes I've removed the E.R. system for peace of mind. I don't miss it at all now that it's gone.

    The Christmas trees are a joke, every day it's the same thing, 4300 exp points and that's it. No special prizes just exp....lame. The Townhall isn't much better, I read about the fantastic prizes others receive, but yet it just gives me junk everyday. Thanks for nothing.

    Event time/cost/rewards are a joke for high level players, no reason to even do them since it doesn't offer me what I want. Give me master keys, MM, 40 person houses. Not roads, flowers, and a 4 person home. (another angry face). What in the world am I going to do with more roads, there isn't even enough land to use them all.

    All in all I still play because I have money invested, but refuse to give any more. Get serious about your jobs and I will consider spending money again, until then money stays in my pocket, none for you. Do it right and we make you rich, do it wrong and you go broke, what do I care. Here's to playing your game for free (raises glass, cheers).
    TellusXIV likes this.
  2. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    This is not a tech issue it is an opinion and as such belongs in the speakers area.

    Developers do look at ideas and comments made by players but never look at the general of tech threads (that is our area).

    I note your comments in your earlier post that you where unhappy with the free gifts from the Christmas tree and also unhappy with the free things given to you by the Town hall.

    Neither of these existed when you joined the game and they where given to you free for no cost so not sure what your problem with that is.

    Anyway this is out of tech but I will leave it open for other comments.
    *kimmi* likes this.
  3. Joey77

    Joey77 User

    Ok, sorry to put this in the wrong area, I'm still learning my way around this forum. I spent money on the tree thinking I could get some rewards, but it only offers experience. I wish I would have known that before I bought it.

    Can you put this in the appropriate place for me? Thanks Pirate, your always very helpful.
  4. from what you have said Joey some of the items you mention are free so am not sure how you can complain about that, i am happy with the xmas tree and most of the other free things that occassionally come my way.
    how ever i note that you didnt mention the cinema so you must be seeing the 3 movies each day (lucky you) many people dont get to see one.
    possibly with the events they can have another and harder levelfor the event for mayors over level 35 as the fleamarket which i am doing now i could have finnished in less than a day
    i am unable myself to invest very much cash into this game and so it will take me much longer to achieve a lot very quickly, after all its only a game and you get out of it what you put in
    am sorry that you only see mostly the negatives, overall this is a very good game and the support by piratelee , wizz strider and others is far better than a lot of other online games i have seen, here is a area for ideas etc where you can post ideas for improvements
    i have a saying that i have used for a lot of years that is out of every negative you can allways find a positive
  5. Joey77

    Joey77 User

    Firstly I did purchase that tree for something like $12. Secondly why would I post about what I like about this game if that doesn't need fixing, such as how much I love the new challenges to upgrade to level 4.

    This is a great game to play for free, spend money and it will greatly disappoint.

    Also I'm not getting daily videos, I was gracious to leave that out since it has nothing to do with the devs.

    And lastly this message is for the Devs, if you don't pay to play there's no need to comment here.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2014
  6. isnt this a open forum
  7. Joey77

    Joey77 User

    Please let me know how to send them a message without going through this forum and I will.
  8. the update and ideas pool is a good place to start, make sugestions on how to improve the game and they might take some notice if its good, i think your idea about different level of prizes fot the higher ranking mayors is definately one worth promoting
  9. brucenic

    brucenic User

    Hi Joey - I feel your pain :(

    The game in general has far too much randomness; and the ERS responders are just a particular case of this. Is it really too much for us to ask that we choose the specialisation after we've spent the ep and vit-x training them up? After all, the emergency itself has a random need for responder type - which is fair enough.
    As for the prizes, they really are pathetic. It takes me about a month to collect enough gold medals for a booster pack (and that's playing 2 or 3 times a day). For that effort I'd expect something worthwhile, not tomatoes. Not even copper medals deserve that. As it happens I don't believe this should be level dependent, gold medals are gold medals and are extremely hard to collect until all your services are at lvl 3 and there is full complement of trained up personnel.

    The randomness in other rewards is frustrating too, especially the comet packs.

    Town Hall prizes are disappointing and although they are supposed to be level dependent, I'm not sure they are level appropriate, if you know what I mean. Upgrading the TH is a huge investment, and should be rewarded accordingly.
    The Christmas tree I'm OK with; it didn't cost much and I didn't have one before, so anything I get is a bonus. (I didn't need actual cash - I'd be disappointed if I'd spent $12)

    The Events may have been level appropriate in the past, but are no longer so. This weeks, the Flea market, is divided up into level 15-50. That is an absolutely huge difference in time spent in the game, and consequently, city size. There was a time when a tenement was a really good prize for me, but as it happens, this will be the last time I do this event as I don't want anymore. And a random mystery building? Random?
    Most other events are the same; I'm no longer excited about the prizes on offer.

    I do actually quite like this game, and I believe it has huge potential to be much better if the Devs actually listen to what players are saying.

    Here's hoping.......;)
  10. Joey77

    Joey77 User

    Yes and I will get responses from other players who have no idea what it's like to pay to play. As most just play for free. Spend some money let me know what you think after.

    It's not like I woke up one day and decided to troll RC, it takes many months of getting screwed over with junk rewards and seeing my money not being put to good use. So what if they fix the E.R. system so we can choose what we want, there's still 6 months previous of money I've wasted that I won't see again.

    Those who play for free don't understand how much it sucks to put lots of money into something, and not get what you want out of it.

    Brucenic knows what I'm talking about. ;)
  11. -MrMungo-

    -MrMungo- User

    Some 4 people homes can be pretty nifty!
    Especially when upgraded.

    I agree about the events, though. That is something that should be looked at.
    There's now a LOT of players in the 40s (level, not age), so an additional event group should be added for the higher level players, in my opinion.

    It seems to be a BP thing. They are great at getting you hooked in the early levels, but don't do much to keep you interested in the higher levels.
  12. Maybe send it as a support ticket. Generaly in these cases you always hit the front office and rarely get to the back office guys directly. That's what the front office is for. In this case Pirate will deal with it and decide if he will forward it to the responsible person(s). Or put it in Ideas board as already suggested, and put in the name of the thread something like "For paying players only" to avoid free players messing in it. I think Pirate mentioned that the devs read this part of the forum so here might be some chances to get your ideas through. In any way I don't think it is the devs who are making related decisions but rather somebody in charge of the whole RC department, like the mysterious and elusive Mr Moritz whose ghostly presence is hardly felt by anyone.

    Good luck with your plea as it can certainly be agreed with the claim that some parts of the game are definitely underdevelopped and in need of some major remodeling to actually become a usefull and enjoyable contribution to our gaming experience. Something like the RI undergone - from complete failure at the start to usefull and integral part of the game after their re-definishion and Mastery system introduction.
  13. harley9883

    harley9883 User

    I hear you loud and clear Joey77. RC's motto of buy 'MetroMoney ...your city will rise before your eyes' is very misleading. It should read 'Buy MetroMoney, ...and watch your city grow into BIG troubles'!

    All the issues you've written about (and many many more) have been discussed over and over with many sound remedies given to RC on how to fix these issues. The upshot is; they don't seem to care, as they continue to frustrate their pay-to-play players!

    The biggest issue for me is production. Its been written about a hundred different ways regarding sound remedies, ..and yet RC refuses to address them at all.

    Another issue for me is RC 'CHANGING the Rules of the GAME' at will, mainly to obstruct players from advancing to quickly.

    Case in point: I acquired 17 'Residential Towers' (mostly with MM) because the 'Change Resident Page' clearly showed all three types of residents. The 'Capitalists' and 'Student' selections were grayed out, but clearly stated 'Coming Soon' or 'Available Soon' (can't remember which exactly). So I made the decision to purchase a considerable number of these Towers, believing somewhere in the future I would be able to convert the residents of these towers to 'Capitalists' when needed. Needless to say they changed the rules, and now they're 'FOREEVER' worker production towers only.

    As a result, I now have well over 16,000,000 million production points, ..with NO WAY to spend them or SELL them. To add insult to injury, this past week, I won a 'Booster Pack' award of another 1,200,000 production points (as though I had any use for them or able to spend them what-so-ever). As far as I'm concerned, I was cheated out of even a useless booby prize.

    So needless to say I have a very sour taste in my mouth regarding the promotion of RC to anyone, let alone buying any more MM.
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2014
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