Increased Production

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by wizardelo, Dec 2, 2013.

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  1. Mr Mungo your post presents a very nice analysis which spells yet another excellent point in justifying the game economy system proving it is very well ballanced and no major changes are needed at this point. :)
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2013
  2. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    1k per brick....
    production upgrades is the future, with the demand increasing, and the production being maxed out, prices will keep rising indefinite. i dont like it.
  3. -MrMungo-

    -MrMungo- User

    There was a point where bricks were more expensive than roof tiles, but now the roof tiles have shot up aswell.
    I guess that's one way to increase their xpresso sales...
  4. That's an excellent price. It pays to sell bricks now. :) Finally some proper appreciation of our heavy labour at brick yards. :)
  5. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    i got another aspect on this.

    i have a house that needs 160.000CC to upgrade and 900 Bricks. Buying the materials will increase the upgrade cost to over 1mil CC. 160k i can recoup in a definite time given rent+revenue is around 1500 and start making profit, but i refuse to consider how long it will take for this investment to turn profitable.
  6. -MrMungo-

    -MrMungo- User

    Ask dkarl to do the figures for you? ;)

    I have a couple of Modest Cottages I want to upgrade to L4 - @ 230000CC each, that's not too bad. Until I saw the number of bricks needed! Ugh!

    Same with the Nautilus Houseboats. I have 5 I want to upgrade to L2, but that would require 2500 bricks.

    Almost at a stage now where I look to see which buildings don't need bricks to decide which to upgrade.
  7. I probably don't struggle with these things becouse I simply accepted it as a game reality that growing is supposed to be slow and upgrading some buildings especially to level 4 is just like a rare ad-on, not everyday business. But it will sure be interesting to see what kind of solution, if any, will the team come up with. If they want to keep it this slow, they are not likely to listen quickly to your ideas. Since once they make it faster there will probably be even more requests for more other stuff. In this respect it's just never-ending story. Slow or fast, there will always be those who have not enough and will want more of this or that. I guess it spells "a game developper's ongoing dilemma". :)
  8. Arketec

    Arketec User

    I would also like to see; super, dooper, woosey, level 4 production possibilities.
  9. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    i've been thinking about this for a while and i got another solution

    we dont need to produce more if the consumption is reduced
    so instead of burning 12 donuts per home, why not use less like 3 or 5. same goes for all the goods. production wont be affected, people who want to supply all their needs can do so more easily, market will still sell.

    so how about this>?
  10. i like that wiz, i had been thinking something similar that was increase the production of our manufacturing slightly especially the brick works mainly due the the fact cement was introduced into the game and no allowance was made for the increased production which we all have to balance out:)
  11. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    unfortunately this improvement would only affect products sold in commercials.
    building materials would be the same, but then again if we could build everything in 1 day, what would we do the rest of the time :)\

    i hope this works out for you too norton, so you can keep your precious bricks at high price on market ;)
  12. I haven't given much thought to the game lately, but regarding this I still maintain that production levels are ok, consumption levels are ok, prices are ok. No serious need for change registered on my side. :) Although it could be modified a little, like from 12 to 10, maybe 8, but not to 3 dropping to one third of original amount. Too big a jump don't you think? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: But as I said, it's ok as it is. :)

    I'm now more expectant of what the new team management brings, which may take some time before they figure everything out and start introducing the changes. And I think I'll take further thoughts from their vision, plans and imputs.

    While maintaining my position at the moment if the new leadership takes a considerably different perspective on the game development I will easily as always adjust my gaming style to that. For now it's waiting time for me until more team input and insight is revealed.

    @Skippy: Regarding your view of increased production: Just becouse a new comodity was introduced it doesn't mean the production demands were increased. Rather it is just an extention of the game giving players chance to grow further beyond lvl 3 upgrade in the pretty much the same way you grow by new houses or new playfield being added. It just brings more variety, prolongs the game, but doesn't increase the production demand.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2014
  13. Bababandos

    Bababandos User

    I've been pondering this for a while... would I like an increase in production? Yes, sure. Is it really necessary? No, not really.

    Even though I'm at a stage where the amount of materials needed are rather high, I can see that the development of my city has been pretty steady, roughly +1k population/month over the last few months. Since my production facilities have been at their max for quite a while and therefore production doesn't increase anymore, I buy more materials. Which is costly of course, but at the time my CC income has increased a lot as well, so this works out evenly too.

    In regards to commercial products, I personally wouldn't need any changes either. My bakeries produce for the market only. My breweries produce Pilsner only, and my farms only produce to make Pilsner. Everything else I buy (at certain prices). Bought products only go to CC houses, since I don't need many PPs. The profit in the CC houses is somewhat smaller due these purchases, but at the same time it saves me most of the 'production hassle'. I'd even go as far and say that if bakeries and farms weren't needed for events, I'd actually consider getting rid of them altogether (I'm really hoping they can be put to inventory eventually). And I think many players are too focused on the whole production aspect of the game.

    Of course changes could still be interesting and challenging in terms of having to develop different game strategies in reply to these changes.
    nortoncommander likes this.
  14. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    i dont have any more workers, except the worker only homes, so i try to supply all the needs the other homes because besides the CC revenue fulfilling needs also gives nice xp.
    buying from market and feeding the population in some cases is not only reducing profit is actually costing me money, so it makes sense to produce.

    i can understand that market needs to stay alive, and the only way to do so is if some sell and some buy, taking out one or the other from the equation kinda kills the whole purpose of the market. but prices have been going up, which means more and more players have maxed out their production capabilities and buying from market more often, while the offer is either dropping or standing still.

    conclusion, production should be looked at. maybe some minor tweaks would improve current state.
  15. I sure don't mind anybody looking at production all year long ........ :) :) :) Minor tweaks maybe. In long term outlook, very carefully implemented, after repeated consideration of all aspects involved so that the move does not bring more damage then good. I think we still have time for that move. If the price growth is sort of steady feature, future will prove it to become more urgent. No need to hurry. :) But again, this is a very long term issue imo and any change should not be implemented hastily. So the reason to resist it is still valid. :)
  16. Something that I would like to see is a continuous restart button for up to six or eight hours where I could get my mills or brickyards to continue to make beams or bricks for the duration of my time away from the computer. The clock keeps ticking on the events, why can't they keep ticking on the manufacturing with an option to do so?
    Andrewjf likes this.
  17. The reason might be that they didn't want to make automated production line. :)
  18. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    or game playing by itself :) while id like to have a production queue, i dont see it happenning.
    ..meanwhile.. the day im not around they decide to make commercial sale 1x and then take it back!!! that was just evil.
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  19. skb13

    skb13 User

    well well, probably time to push this thread to the top again.
    We've had a few days of 'no expresso but MM for instant finish', and it's pretty tough. Can't make brown ale anymore - no time in brewery for that. Can't buy bricks anymore. What can we do?

    Either increase production (helps both of those problems) or reduce commercial volumes reqd (helps just the feeding the population beer problem).
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  20. I'm not pulling in any direction atm. Patiently waiting for what further secrets the Big Wizzard Sep has in his sleave. :D :rolleyes: :D They have their plan, let them show what they can do. :cool: :cool: :cool: In the mean time, while they are messing about, let's put the game on the back burner and enjoy our real life. :D :D :D

    But I am in support of Improvements and Mastery for Production Facilities. :)

    Should I start a new thread(t) with this idea? :)
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