Login issues

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by rickbee, Jan 8, 2014.

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  1. rickbee

    rickbee User

    Is anyone else suffering login issues from 13:00 to 16:00 GMT ?

    I get as far as the flash screen with the city scape and icons and it doesnt move until 16:00 when everything is back to normal.

    Its not my isp as the remainder of my online games, web and xbox live all work perfectly during this time.
  2. rickbee

    rickbee User

    Hmm today is even worse, its 16:25 GMT and it still wont let me in !! :(
  3. -MrMungo-

    -MrMungo- User

    Had no login issues myself, but have had incredibly slow internet all afternoon & sometimes not working at all.

    There were some login issues in the past, but as far as I know, they were solved.
  4. rickbee

    rickbee User

    Real bad today 17:50 GMT before I got to my city.

    Are you in the UK like me MrMungo ? Perhaps it was some form of internet blockage between me and the RC servers causing my problem, but all other sites were loading at warp speed.
  5. -MrMungo-

    -MrMungo- User

    Yes, I'm UK based aswell.
    My internet is usually fine but had to re-load the game a few times today.

    As for your issue, maybe clearing your flash cache may help if it happens again?
  6. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    I am not sure what the issue is here as I was online at that time without any issues.
    I have asked the dev team to look at their own logs and see if anything is or was amiss.
  7. rickbee

    rickbee User

    Thanks PirateLee.

    Each day Im having the same issue, but everything else on my broadband works fine during the problem time.

    I am based in Kent, UK using Enternet as my ISP if that offers any more info.
  8. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    I just logged on as you (although I am in Australia not the UK) and your account is working like a dream.
    So for that reason and assuming you still have issues can we work backwards for a bit. Can you please try another browser and just test it, they are all free so you can always delete it afterwards.
    I ask this as several people have had cache issues that cannot be cleared in the normal way and using a different browser seems to fix this.

    I know I am clutching at straws but the dev team can only fix an issue that they can see, since I cannot duplicate the problem i have nothing to give them.

    I hope that all makes sense?.:(:(:(
  9. rickbee

    rickbee User

    If it plays up later today I will try this for you. I have chrome, firefox and internet explorer on different machines so I'll try each one.

    Many thanks for your help.
  10. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Cheers I will wait for your findings with interest.:)
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2014
  11. Just to add two more from the pool of possible reasons for the issue:

    1. it wouldn't hurt to run all the available antivirus/anti anything scans - just to make sure.
    2. sometimes there is an intermitent fault with a network component not bad enough to show as mulfunctioning to the tech support. Will be corrected when it breaks enough to get replaced. As it may be anywhere between you and the server it's nearly impossible to find untill it shows up itself. I had this happen to me a few years ago when I couldn't access my bank account in another country. As this was critical I went after that and after many calls and debates with involved ITs that was the final result. Sure enough some time later it started to work again without anybody involved reporting any repair.
    Not saying it's one of the above, just a hint in case it might be helpful as another step in fault finding diagram.
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