Drop rate-Lumberjack event

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by greenchelonia, Jan 10, 2014.

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  1. I noticed another post about the drops. I have noticed that this drop rate is increasingly slower than previous events. When I was getting drops from just one type of resident, I would get fifty or more every time I collected from all of them. Other events I have received more than fifty, when the drop applied to all residents, and I collected from all of the houses. This event started with 40-47 each time. Now I get less than 30 drops, when I collect from every house. This seems drastically low. Is this quest supposed to be impossible?
    User ID: 7497370

    I would also like to add that I have two gingerbread houses and usually the drops for them are significant. I have noticed a few times where I didn't get any at all from them.
  2. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    Even if some houses have better change of dropping items then others, they are all subjected to a algorithm that can result in 0 drops. There have been no changes in this algorithm and quests are all possible. It could very well be a case of bad luck.
    Building more residential homes or upgrading them will improve your chances.
  3. with this event i ran the residential drop for approx 48 hours ended up with 1168 items with the last event i rand the residential drop for about 50 hours and ended up with over 3000 items seems a little one sided some where
  4. Without being so precise I can confirm similar results. The drops here are less then half compared to previous event, close to one third of it. If it is "propper" function or just random engine code messed up or something else I can't tell for sure, but it looks like the latter. :)

    @ Wizz: Do we all have just a "bad luck" then? Is the random engine supposed to work in such huge waves that it works completelly different for different events? If so, it means some events are not doable very well for some players as they can hardly be expected to plan for 3 times as much effort for the same number of drops. Appart from that, It makes me think how deep knowledge of the random engine make-up you have. :) Can you really explain to us how it is supposed to work in detail? If you can, please do so. :)
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2014
  5. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    Unfortunately we don't have enough information to explain how event drop items are calculated. They can drop from residential houses but that is no guarantee that you will get a drop each time you collect rent.
    I will forward these complains to our dev team to see if there is any hidden issue we are not aware of.
  6. skb13

    skb13 User

    Possibly coincidence, but my Old Fire Department that was struggling with drops at the start (4 from 4 rent collections) then proceeded quite quickly through several events, and is now nearing it's target. But during this event (wood-cutter) it's gone back to 1 per rent collection. But with only one OFD, amount of data is too low to be very significant.
  7. Thanks Wizz. Take it as curiosity from me rather than a complaint. I've been through much worse situations with random engine making it sometimes realy impossible even for the most "diligent" players to finish. :) My concern is not about getting a building drop every time, but about at least close proximity of overall results for different events making the drop challenges a bit more "predictable". I appreciate your help.
  8. skb13

    skb13 User

    Is it possible that for this event, the axes drop from all residents, so they reduced the drop rate slightly, whereas the previous event had one item from workers and another from capitalists, so they had a slight increase factor in that, to compensate? Can't remember totals required though, so not sure. If it's artist event next, would be interesting to see drop rate for students.

    The only other explanation I can think of is that they didn't want that many axes flying around. :p
  9. It sounds like a good explanation only something about one third can hardly be called "slight drop reduction". :) As you suggest we would have to keep a detailed log of times and drops and conditions for a longer time to prove any pattern in that. As to students drops previously I thought the drop rate for them was "slightly" higher then for capitalists and workers. In past for a short time the devs included somehing like a "drop rate code" in events description which nevertheless was never explained properly. We discussed that recently in another thread. So it's by all means possible that they have different settings for individual events or specific conditions. Still we are no more then guessing here, even though some scientifically oriented minds could call it an educated/informed/inteligent guess. :) Would be nice to come to "know" point sometimes.
  10. I'm not complaining, I'm only making some observations here. I've just finished that event and noticed that during 4th task the drop rate was indeed very low, about one third I'm usually getting from my buildings. During the 5th task the droppings grew again close to "normal". I noticed the same thing happening to another account I have access to.
    And I'm not complaining because it took a while to make those "energy bars"(?) in the bakeries, so I ended up having about twice the amount of axes I needed.
  11. I agree with you guys, there should be different drop rates, and for this event it is very slow. Although I am not sure if it is constant in time, so if you log in very often you may catch the time window when the axes really fly over your head! (I experienced that only once during the Lumberjack Competition).

    Another interesting thing to discuss would be: "how random is random?" It deserves it's own thread, but I am too lazy to start it! :p

    I've finished the event with one hour left in the timer!
  12. I have no chance of finishing the event due to drops. I understand there has to be some randomness to the whole game, but something I depend on the game for should not stop me from completing a quest. Production of materials is one thing, the items on the street and drops are another. Random amounts make sense, but if those random amounts don't add up during the short time we have to complete that particular stage we are left at an unfair disadvantage. I have recently upgraded the majority of my houses. I am working on the last bit now. The only explanation is random. Random is fine but it still needs to be possible. All residents dropping should be at a higher rate. Especially when the required amount is higher. That is just my opinion.
  13. You are right that drops can be the most "frustrating" part of the event and some consistency and generosity with drops would certainly make the events more playable and enjoyable as a whole. At the moment we are still looking for the basic understanding if this rather huge fluctuation in drop rates is intentional or a result of not very well programmed random engine.
  14. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    As long back as I can remember axes have always had a low drop rate.
    I have always thought it was supposed to work that way as some stuff have "high" drop rate.
    Hopefully the dev answer Wizz so he can clear this out.
  15. -MrMungo-

    -MrMungo- User

    All residentials drops have always seemed to be somewhat slower than just capitalists/workers/students.
  16. Just for the record: I finally got to Artists and the paint drop rate seems to be equally slow as axes, although paint is workers only drop. Which seems to rule out all residents x specific residents theory. So the Flea Market still stands out with it's good droprates in Beach Town. Will see what we get at the next round of it. I think if it stays this slow we can pretty much conclude that the drops have been tweaked again without any advice or it's just messed up as it has always been. :)
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2014
  17. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    No changes have been made to events towards residential drops and boulder spawns.
  18. It's tricky to say anything on this subject since while first several collections on Artists were as much rubbish as axes the last two collections were as generous as Flea market. What can I say other then it is absolutely unpredictable, too random to be comfortable.

    With the exception that in long term it seems that the closer my houses are to drop challenge completion the less drops they get. So it was generous on other houses. :) And this may change right after I have posted it. :)
  19. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    For the record we have asked our game devs to review the drop rates for events to see is this can be modified a little given the complaints and issues raised here.:D
  20. Zoloz

    Zoloz User

    I usually do not reply to posts, but I need to for this. I am doing event and am only getting 30-50 on street at a time, if it stays this way I will take me up to 18hrs to do this one part of the event and I only had 10 hours left. Right now I need 750 and only have 340 with 4 hours remaining, this does not seem like a very good drop rate. Should it really take 18hrs to do one part of an event!
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