Power & Mode Current% Avail

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Doctor#3, Jan 15, 2014.

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  1. Doctor#3

    Doctor#3 User

    It would be nice to see the power and mood levels show their current actual %, rather than 25, 50, 75 or 100. If I can see the power/mood is 76% I can make better decisions rather than try to guess or calculate it myself.

    Also, it would be cool if you could see the impact on your power/mood ratings before you turn a building on. Maybe when you highlight the key or something like that.

    One of the things I dislike is adding a building, then watching my power/mood ratings drop too low. I'd rather be proactive then reactive :)

    BTW: Great Game!
  2. @ 1. equasion in spread sheet sorts that out nicely. Properly formulated tells you exactly how much power/mood is left before it drops below 75% uppon just updating current mood/power gain/loss field values. You can also have fields for added buildings that make advanced calculation for you too. Can even do it in colours and graphics if you like. :)
    @ 2. All the mood/power data is in FAQ.

    These two will make it easy for you to be proactive even before (if ever) your idea is implemented.
  3. during a upgrade a few months ago the dev did have this feature i think it lasted only 3days, i would like to see it back as a norma:)l feature
  4. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    Got my vote.
    As the numbers are in the background somewhere it shouldn't be to hard to do.
  5. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    i remember when they gave us the exact % with decimals, was really nice
    how about bringing that back!

    [RO]Turel97 likes this.
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