Defective Apartment Complex

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by pdxnomad68, Jan 12, 2014.

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  1. pdxnomad68

    pdxnomad68 User

    I have an Apartment Complex, level 2 I believe, that will not reset the rent timer, will not let me into the building, and will only let me move it right after logging in. In essence, it doesn't exist. Can we reset this building?
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  3. pdxnomad68

    pdxnomad68 User

  4. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    You have two apartment blocks both level 2 next to your large tower which one is the problem as they are both counting down and both seem to be working (but I have not collected rent on them so cannot tell which is the problem one).
  5. pdxnomad68

    pdxnomad68 User

    Interesting,,, so you didn't see the one I had moved to the right next to the unused commercial buildings that says "collect rent"? There are 3 of them.
  6. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Nope saw that one but I do believe it is level 1?.

    I collected the rent on that one so I thought it was ok, if that is the one that is giving you grief I will delete it and start again.

    The boffins (otherwise known as devs those are people that live in basements and feed 24/7 on pizza and fizzy drinks...:rolleyes:) say that is the only way we can fix this problem in the short term..
  7. pdxnomad68

    pdxnomad68 User

    Yes, that's it. You collect rent and the coin goes away, but the timer isn't running, nor do you get credit. Cursor over it and it still says "collect rent". Then try to go into the building after the coin is gone. You cant. Its dead.
    Double checked, its lvl 2.
  8. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Well here I am with a red face, I did all I could to fix this (short of a small nuke) all without success.

    Sorry but I have had to pass it onto the devs as it appears to be a programing issue after all.:oops:
  9. you out in that heat wave down your way lee i heard it was wll over 40 again:(
  10. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    45 Monday 44 Tuesday 45 yesterday and 46C today...and people say global warming is not here:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:.

    We do have a cool change on Friday its down to 42....rofl.
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2014
  11. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Please check I think I was able to fix this I moved it just to make sure this was the correct one?.
  12. pdxnomad68

    pdxnomad68 User

    Well, you've got the right building. You had to have moved it without collecting rent. You can do that. Now, try to do anything with it after collecting rent, which I wont actually get. Check my CityCredits before and after collecting rent. It wont change. Its not fixed. Sorry.
  13. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    45C gaahh I feel miserably at 35 so 45 :eek:. Luckily it cant get 45 here ... yet, probably just a mater of time :mad:
  14. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Sorry but I did move the building again I collected rent (and triple checked it did add to you total) I even upgraded it without issue???.

    I am puzzled are we talking about the same thing here.
  15. pdxnomad68

    pdxnomad68 User

    I swear it didn't work last night. It hasn't worked for a week. Curious if your server applies the fixes and such at midnight vs immediately. Maybe the devs got to it. Anyway, it works now. Thanks for your help. Though I have to hope it still works after I collect rent on it again. lol
  16. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    The devs unfortunately still had this in their list, I have a few tricks in my support basket I just used some to fix the problem. Sometimes it works others it is corrupt coding and fails, this time we were ok.:D:D:D
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