My city or piece of it 2

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by mjcryo, Dec 10, 2013.

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  1. mjcryo

    mjcryo User

    I keep going back to the old forum to look at different cities as I am able to expand mine. Starting a part 2 of this thread in the new forum hoping people will post photos again on this new forum site.
    minadaniel likes this.
  2. minadaniel

    minadaniel User

    i don't know how to put my city's
  3. It's this "silly" way when you have to post the picture on another website and then link it from here using image icon on up - right corner of this message bar.
    I haven't found any other way to do it here - no direct upload or paste/copy option and I don't like the above one.
  4. minadaniel

    minadaniel User

    o_Oit seems difficult,thanks anyway...
  5. It's actually really easy. Only I don't use it much and keep forgetting where I made my account for uploading pictures. I don't know how many I've made, and don't want to create yet another one. Direct upload or copy/paste is just a lot more convenient, but unfortunately seems not available here.
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2013
    minadaniel likes this.
  6. -damidami-

    -damidami- User

    My updated Christmas Area after Winterfest ^-^

    Hyder, Andrewjf, Plato1 and 8 others like this.
  7. @ damidami: This looks really cool. :) I like this non-economy arrangements when players don't try to squeeze the last drop of revenue at all costs but actually build the city to their liking. Nicely arranged. Thumbs up. :)
    Andrewjf likes this.
  8. -damidami-

    -damidami- User

    Exactly^-^! As you said, I'm building my (double^-^?) city, preferring the aesthetics. Obviously revenue and needs are important, but I'm trying to do both things. Ok for revenue, but also aesthetics.
    I said "double" city because the main city is different from the island. The first one (DamiLand) is " Zen design" and the second (Fabuland) is "Fantasy and fabulous design" ^___^! The Christmas area is built in Fabuland ^-^
    promaster302 and Plato1 like this.
  9. I have rather different sections on both Mainland and Beach Town. Can't avoid power stations and they are too many. There is "production" block geared for efficiency so that the rest can be just loose and free. I have a lot of green area as I rarely have time to reconstruct the whole neigbourhood so it just keeps developing as I go with occasional small changes in planning. Yours is much neater then mine. :)
  10. minadaniel

    minadaniel User

    i would love to see yours nortoncommander ,you know guys,your cities are very different from mine,i think it because i'm from country under sanction and i can't buy mm or maybe something else...
    Andrewjf likes this.
  11. McChicken

    McChicken User


    My 'Christmas' area
    Metro11, CROCDUR and minadaniel like this.
  12. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    because i was asked how can somebody get 10k pop
    here is a corner of my city.. now imagine a whole city crowded like that :)

  13. looks like i have a long way to go still well done wizz ;)
    minadaniel likes this.
  14. McChicken

    McChicken User

    Well it will involve MM and getting extra flats from boosters and such.
  15. Hipshot

    Hipshot User

    But you don't have enough of those big buildings to fill a city. One corner perhaps, but not the entire city.
  16. I think what you need is to see our top board russian girl leader's whole city with 15 k dwarfs packed in. It must be RC Honk Kong. Try to get her post it. :)
  17. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    your' partially right, half my map is filled with 3x3, 25% is occupied by production and energy, and the other 25% is filled with 3x2 and 2x3 (tenements,vintages, sleeks, dream garages, easter lodges, rustic villas)

  18. Joey77

    Joey77 User

    Lookin good! :cool: Here's an ugly piece of my pie with over 10,000 residents.
    Andrewjf likes this.
  19. Joey77

    Joey77 User

    Rearranged my city a bit :rolleyes:
    Andrewjf, kishar and H_lesbonstuyaux like this.
  20. Hipshot

    Hipshot User

    OK Joey, how the heck did you get all those Urban High Rise buildings? I think I see 11 of them. I have 6 and there are no more permits; I can't even buy them.
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