
Discussion in 'General Archive' started by natasacity, Jan 19, 2014.

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  1. natasacity

    natasacity User

    Can someone tell me why not working cinema
  2. without Knowing any details it could be that there are no movies available to watch, some countries get lots and other countries next to none
  3. DAVE111117

    DAVE111117 User

    Today I finally got all 3 movies, I have had 0 since before Christmas.
  4. that beats me have had one in the past 5 weeks:(
  5. Lucky you. I get an odd one every few days. :)
  6. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    This is exactly the problem, I am not sure what can be done (if anything) but this has again been added to my weekly report to the developers of the game.:rolleyes:
  7. maybe instead of getting non existant cinema tickets those of us who miss out on them can get a lootomatic ticket :D then we mightbe able to win more fences lol
  8. Or we could just get a "No movie" button inside Cinema layer. When you click it, it pops up a message: "No movie today? Here! Enjoy our free 3 MM courtesy gift!" And voila ! Lookie at your MM counter ! :D :rolleyes:
  9. I like your thinking but am sure the dev team wont ;)
  10. natasacity

    natasacity User

    Lucky for you, I never had a film of the new year
  11. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    I might just close this now as we already have these (and millions more) suggestions in the ideas area.:rolleyes:
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