bubble transparency

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Idaliah, Jan 25, 2014.

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  1. Idaliah

    Idaliah User

    Ok so how many times have we all had a building in mid upgrade and run out of materials, or not been using a manufacturing building for any number of reasons, and there is something behind the bubble telling us the building is ready for use/ upgrade. That tree or shrub is really hard to get going for removal (sometimes can't be clicked on at all) because the bubble for the building (even in foundation mode) is in the way. Can we get some transparency for these times like if we mouse over the bubble it fades out so you can see behind it? This would also be extremely useful for events where you have to collect things on the streets.
  2. :D
    sound thinking i like that idea:D
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  3. Hipshot

    Hipshot User

    Transparency on the various bubbles has been asked for since day one of this game. Especially when you hover over a commercial building and it obscures all the buildings you want to check. Good luck getting this.

    Next you'll be asking for the building to rotate so they can be placed more reasonably.
  4. building rotation has been asked many times as well
    there are numerous threads in the old forum re this
  5. I hardly ever struggle with this, but why not. Nice idea.
  6. Hipshot

    Hipshot User

    Because, if it hasn't happened since people first started asking for it (over a year now) it isn't likely to happen. We get ERS instead.

    However, they have been getting better recently. So maybe we'll see some progress on the really old ideas like transparency in the bubbles, building rotation, different roads having a positive impact on mood, the stuff that was asked for way back when and never seemed to happen.

    And to be fair, the new forum doesn't have the history that went along with the old forum; the early players had a huge list of great ideas that never seemed to make it, and we'll see each of those ideas come back over time as the new folk run into the old problems.
  7. Errrrrrm, not sure what your post has to do with mine to respond to it, Hipshot, but as I said, why not ............ lol
  8. totally aggre with you , idaliah.
    maybe a button with on/off should do well.
  9. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    Got my vote.
  10. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    since we're discussing transparency, how about transparency for the commercial bubbles also, you cant see the range of a commercial properly unless you pick it up and try to move it. if you just hover over it, a big portion is hidden by the silly details bubble.

    wildheart50122 likes this.
  11. DAVE111117

    DAVE111117 User

    yes this a pain, make it more transparent.
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  12. yep you have
    yep you have my vote for this
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  13. skb13

    skb13 User

    A yes to both - the CH ready for upgrade bubble used to get in the way too, and the event bubble, etc. But the commercial "Details" bubble has to be the most annoying.
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  14. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    Thumb up!!
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  15. Idaliah

    Idaliah User

    I guess I didn't clarify, but yes all the bubbles tend to get in the way. I had to move my CH 3x during flea market event so that I could see the roads where things were at. finally found a sweet spot where it wasn't in the way (after creating yet another road) and was golden after that. can't wait til I finish that blessed upgrade then won't be a problem so much. It would be nice to have all bubbles go transparent when you hover your mouse over them so you can see behind to clear the stuff up.
  16. @Idaliah: I totally agree to your proposal. I had to move buildings many times during events to see what's "hiding" behind those bubbles. And yes, the commercial buildings' info blocks a large part of their coverage, so I have to count those little squares to make an idea where to place houses.
  17. super_emu

    super_emu User

    I agree with this 100%...sometimes during drops I cant click an item at all.
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