My city or piece of it 2

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by mjcryo, Dec 10, 2013.

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  1. Joey77

    Joey77 User

    Months ago before they changed the rewards and added RI, I played with 200% more emergencies non stop. Also the RC birthday with bottles to collect was generous to me. It's been months since anything good. :oops:

    I still need to buy more plots on the Island, mostly small homes and decoration. :p:D
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2014
  2. McChicken

    McChicken User

  3. Hipshot

    Hipshot User

    I get it. Now, I've bought almost all the decorations except a few of the small oak trees and I can't add a building until I upgrade (again) the commercials. I haven't even gotten close to filling all the land. I still have 85% of the beach totally free of habitation and probably 20% or so of the city.

    I did manage to score two of those cool halloween towers. Not much income or population, but they look really good. Now if they'd just offer the halloween mansion again, I'd have a full set.
  4. minadaniel

    minadaniel User

    [​IMG] I'm in LOVE with my city:)
    Andrewjf and promaster102 like this.
  5. Joey77

    Joey77 User

    Removed the E.R.S and piled in more buildings. :D
    Andrewjf likes this.
  6. Joey you sure do need more space. :D :D :D
  7. Joey, Wow, thats a big city
    I`m level 30
  8. -damidami-

    -damidami- User

    My "Energy System" :

    1st land (Main)


    2nd Land (Coast)


    I also have other (horror XD!!!) 5 small Power Plant in my "under construction" area. I'm waiting level 39 to demolish them and place 3 Nuclear Power Plant.
    (I need Energy! But I "hate" the Small Power Plant XDXD!!!)
    Andrewjf and Metro11 like this.
  9. Small Power Plants have some major advantages. They are quick and cheap to build as a transition solution, ready to be demolished later. Also they are easy to hide behind a taller building. I just jumped to lvl 35 and built some Condo Towers. Now lvl 39 is my next target for the Nuclear power. I think in my case they will just replace some of these Coal PP. :)

    You have a lot of these special buildings, which makes a lot of difference in the overall impression too. I think you not only spend a lot of time in arranging it, but also a huge amount of real money to get all these specials. :)
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2014
  10. -damidami-

    -damidami- User

    Exactly! Now I'm trying to build and update some taller buildings, just to hide them (in some way, until my energy will be super great XD) I hope to put other Wind Farms, Solar Power and Small reactors too. Fortunately I've got space ^-^''
  11. McChicken

    McChicken User


    lovin the new buildings :)
  12. Martha

    Martha User


    So this is my little city. As you can see it's not ready ;)
  13. tomasewski

    tomasewski User

    Hi all ;)

    see below to my seacoast lv 42
    qwertz111, Andrewjf, Metro11 and 3 others like this.
  14. I can't see anything :)

    It looks like picture is on your hard drive and you are the only one who can actually see it. :)
    tomasewski likes this.
  15. Martha

    Martha User

    Actually I can't see it too. I don't know how I can put it :D
    Sorry, I'm from Finland and that's why my English skill is not so perfect ;)
  16. I`m from Germany and must use my english what I learn in my school;)
    You`re not alone:)
  17. The link of the picture goes to your computer. As far as I know the only way to display pictures here is to upload them on a public image server and then link it from here.
  18. Go for it. :) Find relevant thread or start your own and keep us updated on what you know from German board. Or just join the debate on any topic you want to get involved with. :)
  19. Martha

    Martha User

    Okay why this have to be so difficult? :D I take the picture but what link?
  20. McChicken

    McChicken User

    Here part of my Island not showing everything cause of the construction sites

    I would advise you to use TinyPic just google it you can just upload files
    Andrewjf, Metro11 and minadaniel like this.
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