Energy Production Issue

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Simstralia, Jan 29, 2014.

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  1. Simstralia

    Simstralia User

    My city has mysteriously lost some 900 total power production.

    Here is what I think has happened. This morning I was rearranging part of my city, specifically power plants, and even more specifically coal-fired power plants. At some point they came up with the "no road" icon, even though clearly they were on the road. So I refreshed thinking this would solve the problem, and initially thought it had as the icon was no longer there. About an hour later I noticed that my global power bar was below the 75% level, could have happened sooner but that was when I noticed it. I think the game is no longer counting 2 coal-fired power plants that were incorrectly showing as being off-road.

    For the record I counted up my power plants, below:
    Small Power Plant 6 @ 150 = 900
    Coal Power Plant 8 @ 450 = 3600
    Hydro Power Plant 2 @ 250 = 500
    Solar Power Plant 8 @ 120 = 960
    Wind Farm 6 @ 200 = 1200
    Small Reactor 8 @ 60 = 480

    Total = 7640

    Only 6740 is shown, a shortfall of 900.
    Have cleared cache etc.

    Simstralia | ID 4991771
  2. skb13

    skb13 User

    Minor point, but it makes your maths not tie up quite so neatly, is that solar power plants produce 125 power, not 120. So you'd have 1000 from them, making your shortfall 940, not a nice simple 2*coal!
  3. have you tried placing all your power plants in the inventory and then put them back in place, that mat rectify your shortfall
  4. Simstralia

    Simstralia User

    Well spotted, and correct you are, messed up there. Which makes it even more curious. Actually, I am certain my total power production WAS 7700 before this happened. Either way it should be more than the 6740 currently displayed.

    I would have thought a complete power consumption recalculation is in order anyhow, given the level 4 house mastery issues. Hopefully it can also recalc power production, which would avoid these problems in the future.
  5. Simstralia

    Simstralia User

    No inventory for power plants.
    Wish there was, would be handy to move between playfields.
  6. Simstralia

    Simstralia User


    The mayor's planned televised news coverage to discuss the ongoing power crisis has unfortunately been cancelled, due to the ongoing power crisis. As the city continues to run on a reduced 75% power efficiency, farmers, millers, brewers and brickmeisters are visibly upset.

    This reporter has been out in the streets, and its not a pretty sight as beer gardens commence a program of beer rationing. The police are doing their best to combat civil unrest, but are hindered by a lack of donuts. The hospital's overpaid medic and diagnostician are planning strike action until the crisis is resolved.

    The mayor's office did deliver a one-word communique, scratched onto a brick. It read....

    TellusXIV and wildheart50122 like this.
  7. Too funny! Hahaha!

    Mind you, I'm not laughing at your predicament ... only your commentary. :D
    MI.Calgon likes this.
  8. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    4 of your power stations had damage (not repaired) from emergencies, I have removed the damage icons so please check again.

    If that does not fix the problem please reply and I will get the devs to take a look.
  9. Simstralia

    Simstralia User

    G'day Pirate

    I considered that possibility and had already cleared the damage on all power stations. Some damage is new since then, yes. But as you might have noted clearing the damage did NOT change my energy production from the previously mentioned total of 6740.

    If you are unable to set the total power production yourself, then yes, I would request you forward this to the team. As stated earlier, my total power production was 7700, not 6740 as currently shown.

    Thanks heaps for your help.
  10. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Regretfully I tried deleting and reinstalling all your stations but since I then had display cache issues (with several other accounts open) I had no way of knowing if it worked.

    I have placed your ID and issue directly in the developers bug sheet so I hope they can fix this quickly for you.:(:(:(
  11. Simstralia

    Simstralia User

    Sadly no, the total remains unchanged at the incorrect 6740.

    For the record I think my previous total of 7700 was also some kind of glitch, as I can only come up with a total power production of 7680. Could you please pass that along to the team?

    I think that current power production and power usage should be recalculated when starting the game, to prevent these problems in the future for all players. At the same time it wouldn't hurt to recalc the mood also. Perhaps you could make a recommendation?

    Cheers mate, thanks for trying.
  12. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    I also have 20 extra and I think those are from the game start. If I recollect right you get 20 energy free at start (from CH?).

    I hope and think they will fix this for you asap :(
  13. Hipshot

    Hipshot User

    I just checked out my power plants to see if I had a similar problem. I don't. The technique I used was to check each power plant individually. I simply cut the road, or moved the power plant enough so it wasn't connected any more. This told me the exact output of every power plant and I compared it to what it was supposed to be putting out.

    It might take a few moments experimenting to find out what's going on, but I bet you can find the problem.
  14. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    I will add this to my weekly report so it does not complicate fixing your issue quickly.
    I do get responses from the team almost every week (even when I write in big letters...rofl), so I know they read my reports and do act on them....eventually.:rolleyes:
  15. Simstralia

    Simstralia User

    Happy to report that my power production has been fixed.
    Many thanks for your help Pirate, much appreciated.:D
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  16. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Always a pleasure to be able to help nice people.

    Sorry it took so long mate.:)
    wildheart50122 likes this.
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