Show us your Mastery

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by jeffsquatch, Dec 19, 2013.

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  1. accelman

    accelman User

    Upgraded one of my BioTowers... building is really paying off!

  2. Bababandos

    Bababandos User

    Got my first Comfy Apartment upgraded... roof pool, yay! :)

    Metro11 likes this.
  3. Nice bababandos
    I have new houses in level 4, but the small houses


    That`s my level 4 village
  4. Hipshot

    Hipshot User

    After a ton of messing around, things like entering events only to collect drop items and spend time in the event to fulfill various requirements, I got a couple of sets of them done.

  5. Bababandos

    Bababandos User

    Nice upgrading work :)

    I've got my eco rowhouses (not sure if that's what they are called in Engl.) upgraded too, but personally these two appeal to me the least in terms of looks. The eco house looks oddly frilly and the other one (historical rowhouse?) completely lost its serious look.
  6. -damidami-

    -damidami- User

    Little but cute

    Metro11 likes this.
  7. Joey77

    Joey77 User

    Here's my Residential towers, not much of a difference but still cool.
    Metro11 and hmkhmk like this.
  8. skb13

    skb13 User

    Here's my latest:
    I suppose I should report that it's now 5225 + 1890 (only supplying beer + raspberries at the moment)... though +1000 from stadium is tempting. Timer down to 6hr 50 after mastery and an RI or two.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2014
    Metro11 likes this.
  9. That's some nice income SKB. Definitely give it a stadium. Might I ask what you took for the mastery trait? My OFH is still a level 2, on its way up.

    And, Joey, those residential towers are awesome!! Bricks....So many bricks.
  10. skb13

    skb13 User

    So far I've taken the +25% rent L4 trait on my buildings. The only downside I can see with the -rent timer trait is that I have to supply yet more needs / day!
  11. You don't really have to. You get a chance to, but without any push or catch. Your people will not vote you out of Mayor position. :) Trust me. I have loads of experience in that ......... lol
  12. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    i agree +25% rent is better then -25% rent timer. since you get more rent without having to put out more produce as collateral.

    it depends on the playstyle, i find suplying needs as important as supplying power or mood, without them, commercials are mood boosters with a power drawback.

    PS: you actually get less experience if you don't feed the needs:))) ....

    PS2: i know its not what you meant.
  13. Joey77

    Joey77 User

    My beastly Manor :cool:
    daniel23492 and rossio like this.
  14. awesome how do i get one of these:)
  15. Joey77

    Joey77 User

    Booster packs. ;)
  16. i might get lucky eventually then;)
  17. That's awesome! Might I ask what level 4 trait you took and what RIs you have placed?
  18. Joey77

    Joey77 User

    At stage 4 choose Increased rental income, and use these Improvements.
  19. Cool, thanks!
    I have opted for the 25% rent timer reduction at level 4, and have 3 epic dishwashers(rent timer -20%, exp +15%). I really like the low rent timer. :D:D

  20. rossio

    rossio User

    That's a kick-ass manor and it would have an even larger income with all its need fulfilled.
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