noooooooo it pressed the wrong button!

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Amanda__6, Feb 3, 2014.

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  1. Amanda__6

    Amanda__6 User

    I just started playing and was clicking along my houses forgetting that the news window pops up and it clicked on the Special Offer button spending my MM!!!
    I wasn't meant to click that, well by rights I didn't click it because I had clicked in that area when the window popped up! I didn't/don't want the Special Offer :( please can I have my MM back??? I was saving them for an emergency! :(
    Please help!
  2. I'm sorry, Amanda__6, we are unable to return Metro Money once it has been spent.
    It's a mistake that has happened to us all (pretty much) at some point or other. Not that it helps you, but others have been in the same boat.
  3. DAVE111117

    DAVE111117 User

    It wouldn't happen if they would put a conformation button for ALL MM transactions. I think devs did this on purpose so we would lose our MM so we will paid more real money.
  4. Joey77

    Joey77 User

    Did you actually think they care about you?? Nope, just your money!
  5. Amanda__6

    Amanda__6 User

    :( that's a pretty rubbish outcome, I swore not to spend money on this game as I wasted a lot of money on a game last year, but I wasn't getting anywhere so I got sucked in to buy MM...
    what a waste!!
    Maybe I should stick to buying games, one off payment and a game to thoroughly enjoy... these internet based games just end up being a let down...
  6. Dave111117, I agree about the confirmation button, but I'm not so sure that the company only cares about your money. Rising Cities is still fairly new and they're still working out the bugs. Granted, being able to get your MM back would be a nice thing to do, but I'm sure there's been a note passed along to the developers to try to correct or improve the issue. And Joey77, if you really don't like it, why are you here? Just saying. Cheesemeister is not in control of what all goes on, but I'm sure he doesn't appreciate hearing all of the negativity, either.
  7. Joey77

    Joey77 User

    I'm stuck here because I donated tons of money, then the game turned terrible and here I sit...
  8. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    We are working really hard to get the screens to give a pop up this feature will come I just cannot say when.
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