Please no maintenance during the event, thank you

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by NightCrawler42, Feb 6, 2014.

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  1. With all due respect, shutting down the server for 6 hours can kill the "Event" for most of the players, please reschedule the maintenance when there is no "Event" going on, thank you
  2. skb13

    skb13 User

    A rather optimistic request these days, I'm afraid. In the past, there would be one event per week, starting on Friday, and it would have finished by Thursday so events did not happen during Maintenance (usually), as this was on a Thursday. Now with two events per week, allowing 5 or more days to start the event and 3 days for the event to run, means that someone will be doing an event at any time and day of the week.

    I think the game was only down for 2.5 hours not 6, so not sure where you got that number from. It does eat into event time, and it can make it awkward to finish events, but at least it means we get some new stuff from time to time (in this case in conjunction with a few bugs too!).
    Matakin and -fenix505- like this.
  3. 2.5 hour down time, should be credited(added 2.5 hours into the event)...
    or wait when the event is over, and the Dev can maintenance whatever they want... just saying, yeah normaly they have 1 event a week, mostly on a friday, now they can(not always) runs 2 different events at the same time...
  4. i agree maintenance during a long event is definately one all of us dont want to deal with
  5. carlsolly9

    carlsolly9 User

    Wish i had known about the maintence, nothing worse than playing, thinking i'll just grow some toms and make timber and bricks, then 6 hours later you can collect them (unless like me your in Oz and get them in the morning) If i had known it was 6 hours, gotta made better use of the time, Hops, Roof Tiles etc !!
  6. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    nowadays there's alawys event going, since events last for 3 days and there is one every Tuesday and Friday.
    maintenance is announced in advance in OA section. and it was extended to 2.5h instead of 1h.. im not sure where you managed to count 6h, your watch must be broken.
    i'm sorry but this is part your fault for not being vigilent and planning ahead :(
    -fenix505- likes this.
  7. -fenix505-

    -fenix505- User

    Sorry because I do not write english very well.

    In which planet they have normaly "1" event a week? I do not get it. Since october, they have always 2 event a week, and a few weeks ago we have 3 because of the winterfest repeat (or repeating? sorry again). There are never 1 event over, they are always 2 or 3 in progress, the week of winterfest really 4.

    Rigth now are in progress

    Wood choping competitions
    Artist week

    And both of them will be still in progress at 2 p.m when we will have another one.

    There are more people playing not only "me".;) Look the whole thing.

    And the OA section, it is usefull.
    skb13 likes this.
  8. carlsolly9

    carlsolly9 User

    Didnt count 6 hours, i read it was 6 hours and as it was late i went to bed and woke up for work when my alarm clock went off so pretty sure my clock wasn't broken.

    Thanks for laying the blame with me, I will read the OA everyday from now on ....
  9. -fenix505-

    -fenix505- User

    Sorry because of my bad english.

    Indeed we should put the blame on the misinformation.

    There are 2 events per week (tuesdays and fridays) since october.

    There is no moment without 2 or 3 current events since october.

    The mantenaince was announed in advance in OA section, as usual.

    The mantenaince took 2.5 hours not 6. This maybe the least important.

    Any piece of misinformation drives you to a nonsense reclamation, I´d like to know if I am in a big mistake.
  10. Hi NightCrawler42, yesterday there was maintenance going on, but it was "only" for 2 and half hours.
    We apologise for the inconvenience, but it was not 6 hours as you had stated.

    If you had other issues that had prevented you from getting online to partake in your event, please post your issue in the relevant section (technical questions) and we will try to get to the bottom of it.

    Maintenance is a regular occurence. Especially with a game like this. It needs to be maintained, like many things.
    Maintenance is normally for 1 hour on a Thursday morning, and we always aim to give you as much warning as at all possible.

    You can keep an eye on all announcements regarding maintenance and other things in the "Official Announcements" section.
  11. Well i work, i had bricks running before i went to bed, it took 4 hours, when i woke up, i wanna collect them and start another, thats another 4 hours, then i goto work, and when i got home i can collect them..(because of the maintenance, i can't collect them, and my brick-factory is idle for 8 hours(my work-day)...

    There is nothing on display how long the maintenance take place, so i thought i make a number "6 hours"..(maybe an idea) to place a small square bar upper left or right on the login-screen with "maintenance time left, that countdowning to 00:00:00)... so gamers are informed when they can login again to proceed there "event"...
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