My coastal side is all messed up!

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by wildheart50122, Feb 6, 2014.

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  1. I built a floating market. It looks like it's still in construction mode ... even says that I still need the roofing tiles. It's already given me a key, which I've already clicked on, but it STILL looks like it's in construction mode. When I click on it, it goes into the filling stage.

    When I come into the coastal region, my rent collector won't work. I have to manually collect rent.

    I have two lumber mills here. It shows that my lumber is completed. I collect it and either it won't give me the opportunity to restart production or it won't collect my completed production.

    I've restarted. I've disabled the other shockwave player. I've logged out and restarted. I've refreshed (sometimes, it works, sometimes, it doesn't). I'm getting really aggravated with it. it's been going on for almost 24 hours now, but I didn't report it because I was hoping it would work itself out. It hasn't.

    HELP!!! :(

    WildHeart 50122 | 7410027
  2. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    Please remember to include your id when posting a technical question so we can identify and help you easier.
  3. I forgot to, so I went back and edited my first post to include it. Sorry.
  4. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    These issues have been forwarded and our Dev team is working hard to fix them in the shortest time.
  5. Thanks, Wizz! By the way, I've been exploring ... you've put in a lot of time and effort into all that you've done on here! I am VERY impressed! Keep up the great work! RC is lucky to have you!
    Cheesemeister likes this.
  6. bonsaijim

    bonsaijim User

    Also, I can't collect the Pranksy statues. I did not get credit for a bunch of them that had been completed and it won't allow the start of collection on the rest...
  7. bonsaijim

    bonsaijim User

    They must have rebooted it - everything returned to the uncollected status and it worked this time!

  8. Since the downtime earlier today my city has been a nightmare to operate from cleaning scrub land and trees to collecting produce. I click on the items and nothing happens and maybe it will show as collected but will not remove its self from the field or it will do nothing.
    This annoying as I keep refreshing and logging off and back on but does not always work and trying to complete a weekly quest as well does not bode well.
    It is now being very slow and freezing up!

    Mayor Concretejungle - ID6812611 :mad:
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2014
  9. You, too, Cheese ... you fit in here for what you, yourself, contribute ...

    Okay, so far the lumber mills are back to working again. My rent collector is working again as well. My only issue at this point is with my floating market.
    Last edited by moderator: Feb 7, 2014
  10. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    This is one of many issues the team are still trying to fix after the disastrous maintenance run.
    We hope they will be fixed soon.
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  11. And it's making me out to be a liar ... UGH!
  12. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Not in the slightest I had that very same issue earlier today.;)
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  13. I'm still having the same issue even after the maintenance. Every time I change locales, I have to refresh. Otherwise, I get nothing ... no rent collector, no product collection, nothing .... Can we say, "BUMMER!"
  14. looks like you can it hasnt been deleted;)
  15. Now, I'm even having issues on the mainland! Every time I try to get into it, I have buildings that have disappeared! I refresh and refresh, but every time I refresh, I lose buildings! I'm getting down right ticked with all of this!
  16. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Is this resolved after the system turnback?.
  17. I think so. For the most part anyhow. My floating market is still screwed up. So far, it seems like I'm able to collect rent and production without too much difficulty. It looks like I have all of my buildings in the mainland without having to refresh. I think the only problem I have now is still the floating market. It shows to be under construction, but when I click on it, it still goes into the market filling screen.

    Btw, Lee, thanks for checking back. I really appreciate it. I'm sorry I hadn't gotten back about it sooner, but I actually stepped away for a while.
  18. Pirate Lee, I don't know what happened just now, but I just went down into my coast and half of the screen was green. While this is no big deal, when I came back to my city, several of my buildings had disappeared. I refreshed and they reappeared as they should so it seems to have gotten worked out, but I wanted to let you and the developers know that something hit a nerve. Like I said, it's just for your information. Keep up the good work! :)
  19. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Thanks for the information I have passed it onto the team.

    We all hope they can get us back to normal very quickly.:(

    I will close here as there is nothing more I can do from the forum.
    wildheart50122 likes this.
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