Event timer change

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by nortoncommander, Feb 8, 2014.

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  1. As much as I want to stay positive I will keep commenting on not so smart decisions also. I think we should have some special category for that. :)

    The event timer changed from hours, minutes and seconds format to days, which is ......... well, not so smart.

    • First it's useles, as it tells me 2 days - no idea when it finishes unless I keep record of the time when I started the event.
    • Second, it's false info - I just started and have nearly 3 days to finish, but it says two days.
    • I actually set my own external timer for the event to make up for this folly.

    Now I'm aware that not everything will be perfect in the blink of a moment but let me say clearly that this move really resounds the old ineffective and often nonsensical management system and I have high hopes that this will be purged out too. Why fix what works fine? Especially when there are tons of real issues to focuss on? What for do we need less precise timer which is actually misleading and pretty much useless? I don't mean to be rude, but has anybody really thought seriously when suggesting and implementing this "improvement"? Or is somebody deliberately trying to make the game more complicated and less readable and comfortable for us gamers?

    Lets keep moving towards responsible game developing and forsake this remnant of dark times offering us unheralded, unasked for and useless improvements that actualy make the game worse. I think we had enough of that in the past. Not sure who is actually responsible for that, but if people making these changes cant see clearly for themselves, please keep asking players before introducing anything. It's better to ask and do things right then this. Errmmmm ........... could you please put it back as it was? :cool::p:cool:

    Thanks for listening and taking notice.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2014
  2. 81firefly

    81firefly User

    I'm not to thrilled about that change either. Plus my start time has been 2 days, where I thought you have 72 hours for the quest, or did I miss another change??
  3. Joey77

    Joey77 User

    Not thrilled either, but am biting my tongue as much as possible.
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  4. It will be 2 days for 24 hours from the start. You comment proves my point that it is misleading.

    I would suggest just the oposit. Don't bite your tongue. Why hurt yourself over somebody else's fault ......... lol :)
  5. Joey77

    Joey77 User

    I get all sorts of nasty rewards in game when I speak against the dev....sometimes my terrible prizes last for months!
  6. And what do you think about that? Is it devs revenge or bad karma? ...... lol
  7. Last day of the event (last 24h) the timer will switch to hours and this change in the game is planed to be permanent...(info from our mods) I agree that it is not a good change and I do not understand how someone find the time to do such change during this period of fixing so many bugs...
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2014
    nortoncommander likes this.
  8. Well, this definitelly looks like a backward thinking, backward development. It takes us way back to what we disliked about former leadership. I'm starting to think I was too rushed with my words of appreciation and that my initial reserved position was more propper.

    Let's see if anybody cares for the comunity enough to at least offer some reasonable explanation of this silly move, if there is any, and consider reverting back to the timer which was obviously and undoubtedly better.

    The word to whoever it may concern: Just becouse we play a game like that, which might be considered a silly thing to do in itself as there are a lot more honorable things to invest our time into, doesn't mean we are stupid and can't work out what 72 hours means. Don't try to help us by converting it to days.

    btw: yea, true. Talk about breathing space and yet vaste your time and energy on things which are needless and which vast majority of gamers imo will find iritating? Not wise, to say the least.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2014
  9. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    Why replace a working timer with a so badly designed timer that I would call it broken. 72h = 2days yeah right, really "helpful"
    I have never heard anyone complain about the timer so why remove it?
    This removal of information will hit new players hardest, I still remember the need to carefully plan the event at low level. By removing this aid you will make it harder for all players to plan but with the edge against new players. :(
    AldoTF03 likes this.
  10. Dollars2

    Dollars2 User

    Frankly this is a step backwards for event planning. I find that they need to let us know not only the day but how many hours are left. ( minutes are ok but really the hours are needed, sinse if it is going down to the last hour you are taking too long) I find that knowing how many days just doesn't help me do my quests. please change it to hours.
  11. Here again I would suggest "let's not settle for underperformance". We had a good working timer. As of now I can't think of any good and inteligent reason for modifying it this way. Just becouse they messed up let's not ask for a compromise. If minutes and seconds were ok then, they will be ok now.

    The only real improvement I can think of at the moment is change to days, hours, minutes, seconds.
    AldoTF03 likes this.
  12. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

  13. that will work :)
  14. Well there could be another positive change related to event timer which for good reasons I did not include straight away: The upper right corner event icon could actually show the timer of a currently running event in tool tip bubble instead of current base statement.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2014
  15. TCRooster

    TCRooster User

    I liked it the way it was and since I have to do that thing called earning a living this new timer (a term I use loosely) is not in the slightest bit helpful.
  16. Daedalus89

    Daedalus89 User

    I liked how specific the time was! Now it's so vague! :( Oh dear.
    I've never read any complaints about the timer... so why changed it? Now I'm just sad.
  17. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Its Karma, I am the only person that logs on to the support module and every change is logged by the system. Not one change has been posted by any other person in the past 3 months.

    Mind you I had not thought of this as a way of getting my own back on people so thanks Joey77 great idea....:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
    skb13 and nortoncommander like this.
  18. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Duly noted and added to this weeks report and recommendations.
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  19. So this is the answer I got for my question. :)


    What studies? Looks like a nice example of misuse of "studies" to me. I'd like to see those studies if somebody can direct me to them please. The "studies" regarding this matter show that despite 3 days being easier to read majority of those concerned still preffer 72 hours format. So are you kidding us? :D :D :D It's not only the ease of reading but in this case mainly knowing exact time left to the end of the event which facilitates better planning is important. Let me remind in this context that nobody as far as I know has ever complained about 72 hours being too difficult to read. Looks like those playing this game are smart enough. Don't underestimate us, will ya! :)

    Now if you had to change it without any regard to players wishes why not do it smart way?
    1. Start hr.min.sec countdown from 72 hours. It keeps the regular events timer as it was so noone gets offended.
    2. Make longer events timer in Days + Hours format. Changing format from "2 days" into ">2 days" sounds rather like somebody is teasing us. Excellent practical joke, I must give you that, but ........... if left permanent, a rather misplaced one. :) Days:Hours format is both easy to read and satisfactorily precise for events longer then 3 days so should make both players and "studies" makers happy.
    3. If you still insist on starting hr:min:sec countdown at 48 hours stick to the point 2 at least.
    Well, wonder if we get any response from the dev team or from the top man on the team.

    Thanks for taking time to read. :cool: :D :cool:

    PS: I know I'm in major part repeating myself, but I was prompted to do so. :)
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2014
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