My city or piece of it 2

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by mjcryo, Dec 10, 2013.

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  1. McChicken

    McChicken User

    Problem here is that I only want to show my city when all construction sites are gone but I can't resist the temptation to start new ones all the time :oops:
  2. Bababandos

    Bababandos User

    In regards to a 'pretty city'... well, mine is pretty packed, so there isn't much space for that sort of thing. But I do try to at least put things into a 'meaningful' (to me) order:


    And even though it probably isn't considered a very pretty sight, I kinda like the idea that so many of my inhabitants get to see the footy for free :D:

    qwertz111 and nervo82 like this.
  3. minadaniel

    minadaniel User

    yeah me too,me too:)
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  4. skb13

    skb13 User

    That's odd - my inhabitants pay me around 1000CC per match. :D
  5. wa64

    wa64 User

    CROCDUR and nervo82 like this.
  6. -damidami-

    -damidami- User

    Ohh! Wonderful places ^________^!!! I always like cities with green and place areas ^-^!

    (I can't see the first image:()
  7. I`ve got a new great house
    With good stats
  8. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    You lucky ... turn slightly green :oops:
    Good to see that someone have got it, gratz :)
  9. Hipshot

    Hipshot User

    So, what to do with all those silly little decorations that we have to offset the mood losses of building ... Build an orchard.

    And yes, I still have enough room to place all the permits I have left.
  10. Absolutely lovely :)
  11. wizardelo

    wizardelo User


    this image makes me love this game just a bit more!

    you should really get a bed & breakfast in there...
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2014
    qwertz111 and Andrewjf like this.
  12. Hipshot

    Hipshot User

    I can't build the B&B yet. Expect one to show up when I (finally) get to level 40.
  13. -damidami-

    -damidami- User

    *.* I want all those trees XD!!!
    I need them XD!
  14. Hipshot

    Hipshot User

    Look closely, they ain't all trees. Actually, the way to get a lot of trees is to constantly get 'small oak tree' as prizes for the various things. I cursed every single one of them because I couldn't get anything better for a long, long time. Then, I figured out what to do with the darn things.
  15. Thumbs up. :) That's how poor people get rich. :) They grab the little they have and turn it into riches. :cool: :D :cool:
  16. McChicken

    McChicken User

    You can also let tree grow i did that once because i wanted an forest it takes some times but also looks really cool
  17. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    i can donate about 50 of them small oaks... , i really wish we would get a spare playfield for unused permits like this, could do something nice too :)
  18. My fields are full of natural grown trees. :)
  19. Hipshot

    Hipshot User

    This winter event has a really cool plaza. All of you folk that are participating have seen it, but I wanted to show off my plaza and the new city hall. It took so darn much CC and resources and time that I gotta show it off:
    Yep, I put a couple of buildings in storage so they wouldn't cover part of it, and yes, that a brickyard that's somehow become part of the city hall plaza.
    But, we have to do something with the darn decorations don't we? And yes I still have room for all the permits I have left.

    Now I have to go put the building back in place.
    qwertz111, Andrewjf and amaliagranata like this.
  20. Lovely :)
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