Pick them all

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by nortoncommander, Feb 9, 2014.

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  1. A couple of months ago I suggested a "One click option" as a general function to reduce tiresom labour-like aspect of the game. Btw. I'm hoping to soon hear that the team likes the idea and is working on it's implementation. :D

    Now I have another suggestion, more specific, to complement this general one:

    How about "Pick them all" button for the event bolder drops as making 1260 clicks to complete for example Challenge 3 of Classic Car Rally is just daunting. Here is how it could work:

    You click the first bolder drop. In the dialoque window it opennes you have another button "Clear them all" complete with the price in CC based on the number of drops being picked. You click this button and all the drops which are currently on the streets of active city part go into "being worked on" mode. You could even have a dialogue window where you enter the number of drops you want to clear. The same would of course apply when the "clearing" phase is finished and bolders are ready to be picked (without the specific number option as it would not be needed there) and the button being called "Pick them all".

    There's number of ways it can be implemented. The separate "pick them all" button I chose as an example is just one of them. For now I will leave the suggestion in this raw state and openned for comments and modification by players (and hopefully by developpers). :cool: :rolleyes: :cool:
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2014
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  2. i like the idea but you mentioned the unpalatable word, COST:( will this fee be CC or MM ;)[/quote]
  3. When you pick a bolder drop it costs you 50 CC each, the price being shown in the respective window. Similarly when you have a multiple pick it will cost you 50 x number of drops CC's, which would again as in former case be displayed in the respective window. :)

    PS: Original post was modified to diminish the chance for misunderstanding of this type. :)

    The one aspect I did not mention in OP is the safety issue. It should be implemented in such a way that there is absolutely no risk of accidentaly "quick picking" these multiples using MM as in this case the loss could be disastrous for some only fuelling the complaints against the team. :) Again there is a number of ways how to secure this, the best of them probably being so many times cited MM confirmation button.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2014
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  4. that sounds good and the confirmation button might be here soon :);)
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  5. Another way for security could be the "Multiple pick" openning in a separate window without the MM speed up option, but elaborating on that I would be too much ahead of things so I'll stop myself again and wait for more input from others. I have other ideas, just don't want to flood the board with them as this is still a transitional time and I want to see more responsiveness from the team first.
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  6. billyjim

    billyjim User

    This would be a great way to go. With the ability to select the total number of objects to be selected and limit the cost at any one time. Would be awesome.
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  7. Wouldn't it be better and easier to just eliminate boulder drops completely?
  8. ;)
    what would you replace it with?
  9. Doctor#3

    Doctor#3 User

    You have to remember, part of the game is going through these "drop clicks" which expands the time you play, which expands the time you see adds, etc. Since its free, its a trade-off. Its similar to collecting rent. You can pay for a rent collector with MM or deal with it. I think this is the same thing. I suggested a "street sweeper" a few weeks ago you could get with MM or CC that does the job, especially if you are away from the game. Plus, you'd have another vehicle roaming the roads. Also, it extends the time it takes to do an event. If you could complete the event in a very short time it wouldn't be much of a challenge.
  10. I think you mostly missed the point: ;)
    • Silly arrangement in this case is no trade off for free players as there is no payed alternative for it either.
    • No real speed up of the game or event, just a few minutes maybe which you would save by collective clearing and collective picking compared to individual work. All it saves is a few hundred tiresom clicks each event and it extends the playability and enjoyment of the game.
    • Automatic work while you are off-line of whatever sort is completelly different from my suggestion. This is a feature only usable while you are on-line.
    Thanks for your comments anyway. :)
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2014
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  11. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    as much as i'd like this option, i dont see it coming free, just like doctor said, i can see it added via a MM option, which isnt so entertaining. anything that shortcuts in any way the "normal" way of playing will imply work which implies funding which is translated in MM from my point of view.

    i would very much like to pay once to start all street trash,
    Thumbs up for a very good idea!
  12. Lazy people always come up with inventions to reduce labour, even in gaming .......... lol
  13. Sorry for the late reply, I did not see your post.;)
    There have been many suggestions for different things to do during events. This thread is not the place for those however, as this thread is about the boulder drops. Don't get me wrong, I think this "pick them all" is a good idea and I fully support it. However, I can not see this happening unless it costs (probably too much) MM. There is very little benefit to BP.
  14. If everything in the game was done just to benefit BP then it spells wrong policy. I firmly believe they do not uphold this position but actually do things for gamers also. Imo there aren't legitimate reasons why they couldn't implement at least some things reducing silly game spoilers like bolder pick or driftwood clearing for free.
  15. Idaliah

    Idaliah User

    Before the team worries about cleaning up how many clicks something takes to pick up objects during events, I would love to see them clean up the buggy side of this phase of events. I find that as I move toward the middle and end of such a phase in each event, sometimes the "marked" stuff (posters, boulders whatever) tend to lose the noticeable markings that say it is getting ready to be collected. In the case of the circus event, the final phase is 750 posters for my level bracket. I have started seeing the posters laying on their sides instead of upright after I have clicked on them and paid the money to begin the process. In and of itself this is a minor thing. However, as your city grows and you get more streets for stuff to appear on, this translates into frustration as you go to click on a new item to clear only to discover it is already being done. 1 or 2 is not bad but when you get 5 or 10 of them scattered all over the place you may find it tough to remember which ones are bugged. This should be the first thing they worry about b4 helping us mayors reduce the number of items we have to actively collect.

    That being said, I would definitely support this idea if the team felt it could implement it without creating more (and possibly more frustrating) bugs.

    wildheart50122 likes this.
  16. @ adaliah: I think you could actually post your comment in Technical as here the bug part will most probably get overlooked.
  17. It is not that it would only benefit BP, but there has to be a balance between the gamer and the company providing the game. Providing a 1 click option to remove all street boulders shifts that balance in favor of the gamer. To recenter the balance, it would probably be an MM only feature. As I said, I like this idea, I just can't see it happening for free.

    This happens to me too, on every event that asks for boulder drops.

    This has been posted in the Tech section, long ago. Not sure who posted it, maybe Idaliah?
  18. You must be one of those individuals who love nonsensical tedious labour. :D I on the other hand consider it perfectly reasonable and balanced solution and am fully convinced that any smart team would immediately jump at it with joy and implement that asap thinking "how come we haven't thought of that ourself". :cool: :rolleyes: :cool:

    No reason it couldn't/shouldn't be posted again as it obviously has not been fixed yet even after such a long time. :cool: :D :cool:

    BTW: I linked that original "one click" suggestion in my first post. And yes, I still like the old forum better, dispite the new one having some smart features. :)
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2014
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  19. Idaliah

    Idaliah User

    posted bug part in the tech questions section. Hope that is where I was supposed to put it. :)
  20. as you say. :)
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