4 ideas for an update: by MewAndVictini

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by mewandvictini, Feb 23, 2014.

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  1. 1. I think we should have an option to visit friends' cities.
    2. I think we should have some event materials as real materials.
    3. I think we should have a way to lend friends some emergency workers when they dont have enough of them.
    4. I think we should have the time of production lowered. Some production is just WAY too long.
  2. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I would love to see all of your options available to us. It would make the game much more interesting and enjoyable.
  3. i agree on the first 2 point as for no 3 i think it would change the balance of the game and some maors would rely on the good will of their neighbours too much.
    point no 4 on the long production runs use xpresso it will cut your manufacturing time on some materials by up to 9.5 hours;)
  4. I agree. We can't make it too easy. Granted, I get impatient waiting for my materials to get done so that I can do as I want to do, but I get impatient when I run out of money doing all that I want to do, too! It would be really nice to be able to extend the shorter processing times/amounts for those times that we're away from the computer. For example, a button to make it so that we can do 192 beams in 6 hours ... making a continuous process in our absence.
  5. @ 4: I use X-presso for all tiles and most roof tiles. Only run them full time when I don't expect to get to computer within next 11 hours. With the steady in-come of X-pressos I'm quite ok with most production times. Well, got used to it anyway. :) :)

    As you suggest too fast would bring the game to an end too soon. I guess it's down to personal tastes how long one want's to play a game like that.

    I'm still not sure if I would actually like the production queue. It would undoubtedly greatly influence the game dynamics and allow for a lot more relaxed playing style (as any automation would do). I would probably expect some additional price for such an option in terms of extra PP and CC payed for queuing, maybe even progressively increasing in terms of the more cycles you get in the queue the more you pay extra charges per item produced. It might also be level coded, and it could also involve some unlock tasks for every level of queuing, possibly even distinguished for every type of building or even every separate building (well, even every separate product ...... lol, that would be a lot of fun). This would mean that you have to work on each production plant/product to unlock double, tripple etc. queues before they could be used this way. All that could be part of a bigger picture of possible Mastery and Improvement system for production plants. If implemented well it would mean a major variety/enhancement of the game. I guess I would like it in this way. :) And maybe this would deserve a separate thread with a more detailed and precise outline. I might give it a second thought when I have time.
    -damidami- likes this.
  6. -damidami-

    -damidami- User

    same for me ;)
    wildheart50122 likes this.
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