
Discussion in 'General Archive' started by buzzo1, Dec 23, 2013.

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should events be longer

Poll closed Dec 28, 2013.
  1. yes

  2. no

  3. ofcourse

  4. never

    0 vote(s)
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  1. Tamy

    Tamy User

    I agree with the idea of more varied mix, not with the idea (much) more of the longer events (except for Saint Patrick day;)). If there would be a larger variety of shorter events, with larger variety of rewards, it would be interesting enough. There should be a balance in the game between spending time on developing long term strategy for evolving the city, and performing short term tasks to complete events. THe balance is already tipped with the move to two events per week (meaning, in simple terms, that more time and resources that should have gone to building the city are now spent on events). I am afraid that with more of the longer events (that are, of course, tempting) the game will be transformed further away from its original strategic goals.
  2. well put Tamy i now only do a few of the events,where as before i would also use xpresso to finish them quickly by doing less events i have more time to manufacture bricks tiles etc there are a lot of the rewards i wont use.
    maybe it is time to revamp all the events:);)
  3. I'm ok with the way it has been so far and will be ok when they add whatever short or long events (as they will sure come sooner or later). Don't have any strong need or oppinion in this area. Neither would I worry about the balance as no events are compulsory. More events (short or long - more event time playing available) would simply mean more variety or more options to tailore our gaming to everybody's perticular need or strategy. I've always only done events I wanted and the levels I wanted. Always just check what I want more at any given time - a few more resources or some part of reward or service provided by the event.
  4. kuroyany

    kuroyany User

    I feel the balance is ok. I personally don't complete many of the regular events because I have no need for many of the final rewards currently being offered and I basically use the events to conclude my fifth step of mastery, as Tamy rightly said, resources are needed to upgrade my city.

    PS: would like to have the Winter Games run again for the Paralympics ;) (yes I'd like a fifth bakery)
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2014
  5. you need more wheat for that and i have found since adding the 4th bakery my stockpile is getting gradually smaller, so a 5th bakery would mean you need another farm then it snowballs again
  6. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I agree with what everyone has said. Variety is the spice of life I find that the events supplies resources that I otherwise would take a great deal of time to acquire, in additional production, experience, coin and/or reward. No one needs to do these events nor complete them. You could do them to the level you need to receive the rewards desired. So everyone is happy. I just would like the rewards and events to be more varied and interesting.
  7. I also want the events to be longer because there are so many things to do and there is a very few time
    how to vote ???? Can somebody help me :(
    Last edited by moderator: Feb 26, 2014
  8. If you've got something to add, and no-one else has replied yet, could you please just edit your post, rather than add a second reply.

    If you look, the vote closed on the 28th December.
  9. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Sorry ahmad,butt125 voting was a while ago but you can still state your opinion in the thread here.
  10. stag

    stag User

  11. buzzo1

    buzzo1 User

    stag goes to my school but were not really friends

    we are not friends
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 4, 2014
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