How am I able to "positively" buy/win the Art Studio?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by QueenVee, Feb 28, 2014.

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  1. QueenVee

    QueenVee User

    Name: QueenVee(LadyVee)

    I need to ask ,if there is "any" way for Me( or ANY othre "Mayors") to end up receiving /winning the Art Studio or any othre desired/required "needs/manufacturing "Mystery" building"?
    Yes, I am aware that this is a Mystery Building.
    I 'm also very much aware that "WE" have a lot of "New"(er) players..especially in the past 3-6 months...
    Speaking for Myself, I have only been playing RC., since the beginning of early Sept. 2013. ; So, I was not "around" when the
    "Season One Mystery Buildings" were 1st made available.

    Not so very long ago..We all were given the "Oppourtunity" to"Purchase" the "Season One Mystery Buildings" .,for 29MM each.
    They had been made available ,to "Any" & All Mayors..., All buildings were made available for purchase, for "29MM" ....But for some strange reason..Each and Every "Mystery Builing" WAS SHOWN...In picture..AS if I / YOU were able to "Click" on the desired building, so to "Receive" BUY the "Needed " Building....Yet sadly, aftre I had "Clicked" on the "Needed"/wanted building; I HAD NOT recieved what I had thought I had bought..Sadly..I had thought that I was NOT doing the"Purchase"the "Correct" way..
    So..I had spent 29MM times 5 times.. Why, "show" the so-called "Mystery Buildings" ..If we are not to have the "Newer "players of RC
    to be able to "buy and receive" said "Mystery Building"(Season 1,I beleive ,though Not positive) that was "Shown" to ALL of us.???
    Which had NEVRE been done so before.????
    Normally,in the past (since I have been a player), when the "Mystery Buildings" became available (sp?), There would be a box with a question mark(?)..Not the actual buildings, in which You "May" get.. I know that showing the "Actual " available buidings,etc. made it possible for all of the RC players,to "See" what exactly the "NEW " buildings looked like..
    I had tried My to speak.. to be able to get the much needed "Art Gallery" to be able to complete "MY" buildings' "needs"..Yet, NOW ..I require the "Art Studio" ordre to "make" Art..
    Please, can someone asK....The DEV's.(Bigpoint)...For an opportunity for us "Oldre"& the Newer well as "Everyone in between...
    In othre words.."Giving Everyone" the "100% " chance(OPPORTUNITY) to '"Actually "BUY" the "Needed" building(s).~!!
    Even ,if ONLY for ONE TIME>>? What or who would it hurt? No One One...that I can see at least.
    As an Entrepeneure, it makes BOTH,very good business"Cents":cool: as well as customer/comsumer "Sense".
    I really do hope that "BigPoint" will take this suggestion ,seriously. Please.. It would really make a wonderful "EASTER" Gift,to All of RC "Faithful" players..Especially as "WE " RC players, still aren't able to "Give a GIft" to anyone of "our" RC friends.
    I know that I am NOT the ONLY player of RC...that would be very happy,and very "grateful" for this much needed opportunity.
    THANKS..for listening. :) Merci, encore...

    Valeria...aka QueenVee
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2014
    wildheart50122 and GORDR22 like this.
  2. i would also love to have a art studio, the way the mystery one works is thay show you what is in the total package and yo may win any one of those. by clicking on one particular frame does not guarentee you will get that building, hence that is why its a mystery i have tried quite a few times to get this but maybe next time if i decide to spend the MM. more than likely i wont bother
    wildheart50122 and QueenVee like this.
  3. First of all, QueenVee, congratulations for posting the longest ever question on Rising Cities! No prize though, sadly.

    The Mystery Buildings seasons come back every now and again. One of the reasons for this is so people/mayors who weren't around when they were first released are afforded the exact same opportunities as those who were around when they were released the first time.

    It is a good idea to keep checking the Official Announcements. It's the best place to find out about new updates.

    There's no guaranteed way of ensuring you get a certain mystery building.
    You can purchase a permit for 29MM when they are available. After 8 hours, you find out what you've won.
    Or you can win a permit during an event sometimes, and if you're lucky you may win a mystery building permit on the loot-o-matic and/or booster packs.

    In terms of the Art Studio, the products can be purchased on the Market Place so it's not like you have to go without. It will just cost you some CC (instead of PP to produce the items).
  4. QueenVee

    QueenVee User

    01/03/'14 @3:27am
    Bonjour Mr. Moderator aka Cheesemeister
    Thanks 1st for the "Award" for longest "Question" as You had put it...It was/is more than "Just" a simple (?)..but Thanks anyway.
    Yes , I had already undrestood the "MYSTERY BLGDS" ;re that ,Yes, They were to be a "Mystery" ;i.e. "Here is a "Surprise" for "You"(anyone) to win/purchase with MM.
    My point is that without the "ability" to "Buy"/ "Win" or (to have the ability to have "Gifted"), the required "Commercial Building(s); we aren't able to earn CC'c & PP's /EP's,depending on the resident we choose for the house.
    I nor anyone else, who has "Won" a residential "Mystery" house(Historical Family Home ;Modest Cottage or the Urban Villa) which ALL require the "Art Gallery" for being able to complete it's fulfillment needs.
    For example; We all were initially able to purchase a said house,and ALSO have the "Instant Opportunity" to purchase the required fulfillment "Commercial Building",even if we were "given",a said numbre of building permits.
    (Although,as of recent) WE all now are able to purchase(with ?MM) "Any" amount of both the "Residential Houses" and the needed "Commercial Buildings" ,in ordre to fulfill it's(residential) needs.
    In regards, to the 3 Residential "Mystery Buildings" stated above, which ALL do require the "Art Gallery" to complete it's fulfillment needs, unless One already had "WON" the Art Gallery, no amount of of "Purchased " Goods, at the Marketplace, without the required "Commercial Building" is NOT an answre,so buying "Art" for example, is just burning money..

    Which I do know, that this ,You and I do "Agree"..
    Thanks for listening, regardless..
    Sincerely and Respectfully yours,
    Valeria aka QueenVee

    Level :31
    Player since:09/2013

  5. QueenVee

    QueenVee User

    Dear Cheesemeister,
    I am sorry, but trying to write a question down,(esp . for Me.. in English is very difficult)..I hope that I was able to make My concerns
    undrestood to You ,now regardless..
    Thank-You, for Your undivided attention and time ..

    Once again,
    Level :31
    Player since:09/2013
  6. very nice post Valeria i understood all of it and agree also:):)
    wildheart50122 and QueenVee like this.
  7. QueenVee

    QueenVee User

    Merci Madame Roo..
    It is nice to be undrestood ,especially in a tongue that IS NOT <My1st...
    Being from France, and transplanted to America..Not easy as it sounds,nor as good as My "home" country..
    I am hoping to be able to have some 'effect' /change, that is for the bettremant of the game ,for ALl Rising Cities(Bigpoint ) players
    It makes only 'sense'
    ..If "We" win residential "Mystery" be able to fulfil it's needs..
    I hope that You are able to "WIN" Your "Art Studio"... as I know that "Art" in the Marketplace is Not as cheap as being able to "produce"it Yourself...
    Sincerely Yours..,
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  8. <----- is male ;):)
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  9. QueenVee

    QueenVee User

    Escuse -moi.:oops:. 'Miser' Roo.
    Already asked for Your "forgiveness"....:)
    Hope that You could find it in ur heart to forgive a "Dame" .. ..check ur in box.
    At least I would hope that everyone ,would see that I am a "Lady" just by My pic.. I have NO anyone was able to make an avatar...I have no idea how to ,so I used a photo of myself.. Goof -prooof...Yes.
    Salut 4 now.. Ciao
  10. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    As my friend Skippy has said thank you for your posts and I also totally understand what it is you are asking.

    I have included a request to the development team in this weeks report to the developers to allow players to purchase a specific building for the older "mystery Buildings" as many people have had trouble getting either an art studio or gallery.

    I cannot promise what the outcome will be I can only make sure that the developers are aware of players needs..

    Best Regards Pirate.:)
    wildheart50122 and QueenVee like this.
  11. :) all is good
  12. QueenVee

    QueenVee User

    Dear PirateLee,
    I must say thank-you, to "Skip" especiall if I was able to get My point across..,Finally~~!!
    I do completely undrestand the concept of "The Mystery Buildings".,period..
    Specifically, for someone like myself, I see the "Bottom Line" or the Dollar's bottom be more exact.Which is one of the reasons,why I needed to at least Say Something="ASK". Making money is how the world goes around, which is what I undrestand most,as well as "Customer Satisfaction"..
    If "My" customers weren't "Happy", then they would go to anothre business,which meant I would lose ,not only their money,but more importantly,their "Trust & respect "(which I had worked very hard for) and could lead to Me losing other business,due to word of mouth.
    And I feel very good that BigPoint,seems to be just like the kind of business ,that i woould like to do My best,to help. even if it is something, like making a suggestion.
    PirateLee, I know that You will keep word ,and this is all I can ask..
    Thank You so very much for "Just listening "
    Respectfully yours..

    Userid; LadyVee

    Last edited by moderator: Mar 2, 2014
  13. You have nothing to apologise for. Your English is fine by the way.

    Your initial post suggested that you need the "Art Studio", hence my suggestion of purchasing items as and when you need them.

    In future, please be aware that all suggestions, ideas, and the like should be posted in the "Update & Idea Pool".

    I think PirateLee & Skippy have responded to everything else splendidly so I will close this now.
    wildheart50122 and QueenVee like this.
  14. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

    In order to keep our forum organization, old threads need to be moved to Archive. They will be available there for you to reread whenever you need.

    oie_OBmKNeFugIWe (2).png
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