Increased Production

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by wizardelo, Dec 2, 2013.

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  1. Just to help a little, I think if you try to distance yourself from the issue and consider the meaning of "special" and "rare" my perspective will cease to be so elusive for you. After all from the beginning I maintain that the issue is broader and a bit more complex then just somebody not being able to easily feed the system to get the max economy output from it at any given time. If not, of course we are all entitled to our oppinion in this unimportant matter. Just don't jump into a hasty conclusion that I don't understand what the debate is about. :cool: :D :cool:
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2013
  2. skb13

    skb13 User

    Doggone: I would sympathise with you, except you have 16 skydomes and 4 biotowers, yet I only have 4 and 3 respectively - so am far too jealous to be sympathetic. :p

    The point behind upgraded commercials can be seen from two points of view:
    1) To make cities more aesthetically pleasing.
    2) To make it possible to build the permits for buildings and still get buildings covered for their various needs without needing two or three times as many commercials.

    I work on the 2nd principle: given that RC give us the permits for buildings and the commercials to serve them with, then why not make the most of it and get the most out of your citizens? After all, you wouldn't want to live in a town where half your citizens can eat donuts and the other half can't, etc.
  3. I don't think it has ever been an intention of this game to come even close to real city model, so I guess this point must have been ment as a joke only. :)
  4. Doggone

    Doggone User

    Don't be jealous. I suckered myself into trying for a complete set of each mystery building season and though I succeeded for both season 1 and season 2 - it cost a heck of a lot of money. For season 1 - I have one art gallery, one art studio, 4 urban villas, 17 modest cottages and 9 historic homes. Sure hope they don't come out with a season 3. I'll have to try some restraint.

    To clarify myself - I've been using the wrong terminology. In my ramblings, I meant "manufacturing" buildings like mills, brick yards, bakeries, etc to be allowed for production upgrade since these are where I'm finding my shortages.I was interchanging that with the word "commercial" which causes confusion since they can already been upgraded.

    I completely agree with you on the commercial buildings like fries, donuts, beer, etc. I want to give my bio towers and skydomes all the fries, smoothies, donuts and flowers they can stand and for this reason am upgrading them for max coverage as materials are available.

    I seem to do okay on everything but the flowers - along with paintings and rolls for other residentials. As mentioned, I've spent literally millions trying to keep my populace happy through the market to cover my shortages.

    K. Now I have to keep my word and close my remarks on this subject. See ya on the next thread where expansion on power components is discussed.
  5. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    Two things with seasonal buildings.
    They are MM "only" buildings so they are not a part of the free game, so they should be handed separately.
    There have only been two free mystery buildings so that's not an issue.

    Flower/paintings producing buildings are totally random so one player can get 0 flower buildings and the next can get 20. So how to decide if 128 is to low or if you were unlucky?
    A quick look at the market reveal that flower/paintings cost 10cc atm indicating an over production. 40cc for 3-400 need revenue is imo good.
  6. where and how can i aquire a flowerista and botanic gardens am at level 33 and havnt sighted either of them as yet
  7. start a new thread to discuss special buildings. someone already said it wasn't about the buildings. isn't this thread about more production? i'm at a low level but still want to produce more but i still want all those buildings you peeps are talking about
  8. Anyone can start any RC topic they want to discuss with other players in Speakers' Corner. This was just a debate which resulted from update idea .
  9. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    More info here

    Mystery Buildings

    They are part of seasonal/mystery buildings.
    Afaik any lvl can buy them.
    A season is on right now, I think it is season 2.
    You can see that a season is active by looking in upper right corner, a circle with a star inside.
  10. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    another week, another plea..
    upgraded production facilities please!
    ~PinkRose~ likes this.
  11. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    520cc per brick....
    upgraded production facilities please!
  12. You are one persistent fella. :) I think it's a very good and fair price for bricks. :) Roof tiles are too cheap though.
  13. skb13

    skb13 User

    You mean today's maintenance wasn't to add level 4 production facilities? Shame! Please? Pretty please? With a cherry on top? :D
  14. Hipshot

    Hipshot User

    I am so totally loving the prices on the market. I'll have ALL the land in less time than I expected.
  15. Isn't the market just great? Exactly what a good businessman wants it to be. :cool:
    Just those rooftiles need to go a bit higher. :)
  16. Doggone

    Doggone User

    my vote is still in this camp - I'm buying rolls from the market but won't pay the high prices for bricks and tiles
  17. C'mon Doggone, we know you are rich and can afford it. :) And it's all top quality material with life long guarantie. :) You wont ever need to exchange it. :)
  18. Doggone

    Doggone User

    Used all my money buying those tubes of adhesives for plastics.

    24.04.2013, 16:46
    "Doggone was last seen at the auto-parts store purchasing a tube of "Fix-A-Flat"
  19. skb13

    skb13 User

    Thank you for keeping this thread bumped up to the top, norton. Very kind of you. Now where are those level 4 brickyards? I'm sure I put them down here somewhere.
  20. You're very welcome but don't worry, don't worry ............. lol

    Maybe they are secretly working on mastery system for Production Facilities. For mastery challenge level 3 on brickyards you will have to house some students to get it. :) :) :)
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