Change this color.... maybe in.... ???

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by -damidami-, Mar 6, 2014.

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  1. -damidami-

    -damidami- User

    HI there^-^
    As I wrote in "My city or Piece of it"....
    I like the new building, but not the roof color....

    sure, this is only my personal opinion, but I think this big luxury house would be better with another roof color...

    for example....

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    [​IMG] [​IMG]


    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    I know now it's black, and I think it will be black...

    maybe these colors could be use for next new building... ^-^'''
  2. Daedalus89

    Daedalus89 User

    I totally I agree with what you said in "My City or piece of it" that the black colour gives the most "funeral-ly" look. To me I thought it was a little hearse-y look.:p (pardon me)

    I imagined it to be a dark purple colour! :eek:
    So I'm voting for your last pic and the teal one. :)
  3. -damidami-

    -damidami- User

    mmm... yes... dark purple too...
    something like this?


    totally agree :p:p

    however, Looking again the pictures, I think in dark green color or dark orange or burgundy is perfect. I mean, with this elegant style. Maybe in brown... I think is less elegant with other colors...
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2014
    MillerWrox likes this.
  4. -fenix505-

    -fenix505- User

    -damidami-, I knew about your good taste but also you are an artist! Your suggestions are great.

    I agree about the "funeral-ly" look but I think the most appropriate colour is a tone of grey, really I do not know exactily what, "silver", "dark"... I should check them first.

    In addiction to this, English is not my language and I cannot be as precise as I would be.

    In France the roof is grey sometimes shine, sometimes not.

  5. -damidami-

    -damidami- User

    in fact even grey color is elegant, maybe light grey or silver effect. In this case I suggest to change also the entire color of building and do it all in grey-tone
    (warm or cool tone)
    just like the photo you post. as you can see, the tone of this wonderful castle is about white- very light warm grey, and light grey silver roof

    cool grey tone with the cream-yellow actual color is a bit bad different.
    this is the motive I think colors with a warm tone are better (like orange- dark red-brown and green with a lot of yellow-brown warm component) I mean, near the warm color base of building

    however, light grey would be better than black XD....

    I've seen my options again and in fact I don't like so much ultra blue and violet, they're too cool toned color near the cream warm base of building :p
    Maybe teal it's better, with a large component of warm tone

    ok... this is Rising Cities, and not "Rising Warm toned colored Roof " :D:D:p:p
  6. I don't perticularly like any of the suggested shades, but each of them is better then the black one. I would chose more nature like colours, either green or brown probably, but definitelly something reminding natural materials.
    MillerWrox likes this.
  7. -fenix505-

    -fenix505- User

    That was!

    I wasnt sure the specific tone, and now I realize that the big problem is the cream yellow color base of building! Dont macth neither black nor with grey. Althougt honestly I have never seen a black roof.

    Thanks -damidami-

    In this case or the colour base is change as well or is better a warm colour (orange, brown...)

    My suggestion means too many changes I am afraid.

    Anyway ;) the grey in castles is also a natural colour because comes of a natural material: differents kinds of stone. Not all the roof are made of cooper to become green.
  8. Hipshot

    Hipshot User

    I like the black. It looks like black moss that has grown on the tiles and died during the winter snowfall. Those fancy colors (except the browns and clay reds) look artificial and silly.

    Kid of remind me of that stupid tongue they offered in the last mystery buildings. That also reminds me, what the heck is a Urbyroad ??
  9. -damidami-

    -damidami- User

    you're right about natural material colors... brown tones are better than an ultra blue or lilac or bright green.... but in this game we have some buildings with unusual colors

    the middle way could be a natural color tone, with a note of another color, just to create another particular special color, but not so much "innatural effect"

    I thought about a brown roof with green Ivy...
    think: all natural, but a better visual effect, also on the part of palace (about Ivy, I mean), just like several beautiful luxury and old-style palace covered by nature.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]


    However, as I told before, I know that this roof born black, is black now, and always will be black. :rolleyes:

    this is not a great preoblem. ;)
    and the fact I don't like it, is always my personal opinion, I know.

    just to give a little advice to BP : maybe next time create something that doesn't seem so funereal, like a black roof :p:p

    (and I know .... surely several players like very much this black roof :))
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2014
  10. These houses look amazing. :)

    I think this thread in Ideas means they can change it. Can't see any reason why they couldn't. It's really just a small change.

    I'm not placing the building now since I'm not excited about large black roof either. :)
  11. I particularly like slate roofs. :)

    Slate is a rock. " When expertly cut by striking parallel to the foliation, with a specialized tool in the quarry, many slates will form smooth flat sheets of stone which have long been used for roofing and floor tiles and other purposes. Slate is frequently grey in color, especially when seen, en masse, covering roofs. However, slate occurs in a variety of colors even from a single locality; for example, slate from North Wales can be found in many shades of grey, from pale to dark, and may also be purple, green or cyan."


    Many important buildings have beautiful black slate roofs. I think that's the idea of the Chateau, to be an splendid residence.

    Any other natural colour of the slate tiles could also be nice. ;)

    Next time you visit your city centre, I'm sure if you look up you will see some of these roofs.
  12. -damidami-

    -damidami- User

    Ok, this is only a little "experiment" about what I mean :p


    or ... with this warm grey-green roof


    yes I know that. if you look the new palace this kind of "black" is not so "natural".. is only "black roof". I know about slate rocks and I like them. In Italy is not so common. I've seen it when I visited UK and Ireland. Maybe a type of this, in pale grey with a green note would be perfect for a new building ^-^!! (or this... just to try ^-^)
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2014
  13. Where I come from, most of the slate roofs are black. But maybe it's as you say, that roof looks just black. I don't know how they can make it look more real. To give it some texture, like the real thing? But buildings are too small for that...
  14. -damidami-

    -damidami- User

    yes, create a natural look is not so simple, but they create a lot of "natural" effects and natural material, like wood houses...
    I think is not so difficult for them re-create a natural slate rock . I think is a good Idea. Perhaps they could create a building less "luxury -cream colored" and more natural old retro-stile color. for the walls of the building, I mean ^-^''

    and then, realize the slate rock roof

    Maybe it would be great in the Mountain Land ^-^
    In Italy in some part of mountain you can see something like slate rock for old houses

    (just a new Idea :p)
  15. Daedalus89

    Daedalus89 User

    :confused: on second thought, maybe not that colour:D:D:D I have bad imagination, unlike yours:p

    The brown and warm grey-green is also super nice. It will blend in with the rest of the city very well. Elegant, and not funereal.:D The ivy just adds to the elegance! Love it!

    p/s: I also realised that the roof will most probably stay black, but a Mayor can dream :rolleyes:
  16. accelman

    accelman User

    What if... the roof changes color when you complete it's mastery! :eek:
  17. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Why not give us a choice of color when we choose to build the building
  18. Good point. FAQ will tell us when updated.

    I actually had just this idea .............. lol
  19. -damidami-

    -damidami- User

    I had this Idea a long time ago and I wrote this (not in English Forum) :)

    hope this time BP read this thread ;)
  20. good idea Dami something to brighten up the game screen would be nice :)
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