Thinking about 3rd Playfield... Maybe.. Mountain??

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by -damidami-, Mar 6, 2014.

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  1. -damidami-

    -damidami- User

    Hello there ^-^!

    I was thinking about the 3rd playfield. .... Maybe it could be really a Mountain Land?

    I hope so... If "yes" ^-^'...

    I post some ideas about it...

    First of all... The houses. I thought about these: little houses, or luxurious, or built in an "old rock style"...

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

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    then ... what about a Little Church? As a decoration...

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Maybe there could be something like typical restaurant and and typical mountain deli shop...

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    that offers typical products, like cheese and wine...

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    and for their production, of course.... Pastures and vineyards...

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    then, I thought about decoration like trees and flowers you can see only in mountain, flowerbed or natural ... maybe a wood patio, wood benchs, and so on...
    and snow decoration for winter ... Mountain would be perfect for every season ^-^

    I know... We don't know if the 3rd playfield well be really realized as a Mountain Land...
    If not... well... maybe these ideay would be great for another next playfield.

    Just ideas ^___^'''''.......
  2. I'm looking forward to see all these in the game. Some of the buildings on photos are just gorgious. :)
  3. Daedalus89

    Daedalus89 User

    Yes to the stone churches!
    As for the wood cabins... if they would to make them really different from the log cabins, then I say yes of course!
    Yes to vineyards as well!

    If they make little rivers/brooks on the mountain area, it would be lovely to have the stone bridge in your church's pic #3 as a deco we can put across the river! :D

    Lovely, lovely, lovely pictures btw damidami! :D
  4. -damidami-

    -damidami- User

    Mee too ^-^!!

    I think Mountain is perfect for many ideas to realize

    Yes! A stone bridge and rivers! ^___^! and mountains must have snow peaks

    and finally.. a natural little lake ^_________^

    Now... I know where I'll go this summer .... in Mountain, of course:p
    QueenVee likes this.
  5. billyjim

    billyjim User

    If we do get a mountain play field. The real question is which mountain area will be modeled? The Alps, Canadian Rockies, Draken Mountains, Urals, Himalayas, Appalachian, Any of the Sierras, or even the Montes Spitzbergen to name a few of the many available.

    The choices are enormous and would determine the style and features of the area. We will have to wait and see. It is fun to speculate.
  6. Blindtiger

    Blindtiger User

    I could use more land for buildings and such. Mountains have some neat possibilities.
  7. mountians here in summer are also cooler be nice to have some of these cottages in the next play field :D;)
  8. carlsolly9

    carlsolly9 User

    I for one would second a third playing field (see what i did there )

    You'll have to excuse me, its been a long week
    QueenVee likes this.
  9. carlsolly9

    carlsolly9 User

    The pics look cool by the way
  10. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I do like the pictures also
  11. -damidami-

    -damidami- User

    I think about BP... they are German. So, I thought about Alps. ^-^'''
    Maybe realize alpes is easier for them. But you're right: there are many mountains in the world

    Wait and see ;)
  12. My guess would be just a plain field like the first two with some mountain graphics on not playable area not resembling any perticular mountain range. :)
  13. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    would be nice if they made it like the coast, with some special terrain, where you can put special buildings, but that means more designing and more time and longer wait ... :(
  14. is there no reason why the play field 3 cant start out small and more plots added as needed ;)
    QueenVee likes this.
  15. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I like skippyroo1980 idea of a growing playing field. Start with maybe ten or fifteen plots and growing overtime. Nortoncomander is probably correct it will be a regular playing field with mountain graphics, but does it have to be?

    What if we combine these two ideas. Start with small valley of let say five or six plots surrounded by mountain scenery let us develop this valley as cities develop let us bore tunnels, bridge rivers, or climb mountains to new valleys and expand our cities to new territories at a cost. This sounds very realistic to me.

    How many urban areas have to do this in real life. To expand have to spend resources to bridge barriers to grow to new territories.
    promaster302 and QueenVee like this.
  16. carlsolly9

    carlsolly9 User

    All these ideas sound great, lets hope the powers that be listen and something is sorted out soon, this game certainly does get better despite the teething problems and little hiccups
  17. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I agree the game has gotten better over time. It is obvious that our voices are heard. So lets keep on talking the more people involved the more ideas the better options that will be created for all.
  18. QueenVee

    QueenVee User

  19. QueenVee

    QueenVee User

    I have read All of the ideas;
    And I agree with billyjim, Skippyroo & NortonCommandre..
    And I like the Mountain Scene..but also agree that the" Mountain" would most likely have to be the "background"..,yet as I had stated before, the highre up the mountain ,there should be perhaps 2-4 "Area's" On the Mountain,(each a 15-20 area playfield,min.)..both the background AND the houses,commercial and manufact.; could be added.
    I would like to having the "Mountain" Playfield..
    I would also though, like to suggest having an area, similar to the farmland, that would also include a certain limited area that could be a "Gold" or 'Gem' field/mind..
    With this "land"/play area ' ...there could be a aftre somone would have 'placed ' a 'mine'*( manufacturing) ...there could be added several commercial buildings...
    For example, there could be a Jewelry Store and a "Gold Buying Store"( to be current with these 'TIMES') ,where eithre 'gold/gems', would fulfil the "need" for a certain Home .
    I am very thankful ,to BP. ,for being open to listening to the "Idea's" of "Their" faithful players = "Customres'.
    I hope that this "New" palyfield be added VERY soon as I am (As well as most "players".) ,running OUT of ROOM/ play at all..without having to "Destroy" what I have made....
    Thanks for listening...
    User-id : 7023165
    skippyroo1980 likes this.
  20. nice posts valeria i like most of what you have mentioned ans also agree :):);)
    QueenVee likes this.
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