Bread Basket

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by wildheart50122, Mar 15, 2014.

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  1. Dear Developers:
    Could you please possibly reduce the number of rolls sold to each building at the time of rent? If that is too difficult a task, maybe doubling the production quantities within the bakeries would be a more feasible solution? Even with all four bakeries running non-stop production on rolls, there is no way I can possibly keep up with providing my residence with what they have asked for. As a mother, I find it unsuitable to be unable to provide for my children. As a mayor, I feel the same. If you look at the commercial buildings, both the vegetable stand and the diner only sell four to each house, but the bread basket is three times that at twelve. The next building, the smoothie bar, only sells eight. To keep within the pattern, would it be possible to cut the rate in half to six rather than twelve rolls to each house so that it is more in line with the other buildings in the same grouping for the needs of the majority of my/our residences?
    Thank you.
    Simstralia and skippyroo1980 like this.
  2. MisterN68

    MisterN68 User

    I second the motion concerning the reducing of the numbers of rolls sold.

    Because your suggestion for doubling the production means that more wheat is needed and im not sure that farms can keep up with that even with max level, farm has 5 other products also which need production time as well.
    Wheat at the same time is needed for total of 6 products (rolls, pizza, donuts, beer, brown ale and pilsner). Also production time of wheat is long even if u use xpresso once.

    Simstralia and wildheart50122 like this.
  3. i agree with wild my wheat stocks are in decline unless half my farms are producing this commodity
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  4. Actually, Skippy, I have to give credit where credit is due. It was MisterN68 who mentioned the wheat stocks, but it is definitely appropriate. If they could cut the sales of rolls in half for all of the bread baskets, it would help to recoup some of the additional wheat losses in the farms. ;)
  5. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I agree with wildhert501122 well argued case reducing the roll requirement would put the game in better alignment with the rest of the game.
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  6. momEva

    momEva User

    I now have 5 bread baskets, having earned one in a quest. maybe that is another option? That is, maybe more could be offered as quest bonuses?
  7. Tamy

    Tamy User

    The problem is not so much having enough bread baskets, but how to fill them with rolls. I have three stationed in my inventory now -- because, with the additional needs for donuts and pizza, I could just not keep up with demand. This is why reducing the number of rolls per sale would be the solution.
  8. The thing is ... no matter how many bread baskets you have, you have to be able to fill them. If you can't manufacture enough rolls to fill them even working steadily, it's a real disappointment because you lose out on the needs revenue you could have if they had been filled. Then, if you also have pizza and donuts to supply, but you don't have enough manufacturing capabilities to do it all, you lose out one way or another. This is not as it should be. You should be able to manufacture all that you need to supply the commercials and appropriately supply your residents with what they need. This aspect of the game is slighted, leaving the more advanced players cheated of what they need to be able to be successful.
  9. billyjim

    billyjim User

    A heartfelt at a girl wildheart! I feel I am going to claim some extra dependents on my taxes this year for all of the rolls I have had to buy to fulfill my workers needs. There is an in ability to supply enough product to meet the demand in the system. I would love to be able to build additional bakeries and farms to meet the demand. We can buy unlimited building permits for residence why not for production facilities. Let the markets meet the need.
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  10. I like the fact that some comodities just can't be produced in sufficient quantities easily and we have to prioritise. It also gives life and meaning to the market creating a bit more variety. The last thing I would want from a game like this is a simple 1 + 1 = 2 predictability. These little "flaws" as somebody could see it actualy give flavour to the game and make it more interesting.

    Actually everything can be produced in sufficient quantities using X-presso until now or using instant finish after rework. It's still the same - just a bit of variety and a need for a bit of strategic planning and decision making instead of just boring 1 + 1 .........
  11. Mr.SanJuan

    Mr.SanJuan User

    well not too happy when im almost done with a job and no longer able to log in -
    now unable to finish the job... eversince the maint. occured -- come on man!!! help...
  12. i only have 3 bakery let i still find it hard
  13. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I like to have a challenge also; But I like to have the ability to modify the situation to make the situation better. That is life. We have had this debate before I want to build my city like it is simulation of real life. Meet the challenges like a real city with real world options. Being able to build an additional Bakery to meet the needs of the citizens balanced against the costs of money, materials, time is the option I would want.
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  14. First of, if you want to build anything which resembles real city, why are you playing RC which is miles away from reality? It's nice idea, but judging from how the things are and how the game develops it has never been an intention to make it a model of reality. It's just a game with it's rules. some clever, some silly, some we like, others we dislike. Nevertheless limitations of different sort will always be present. Some of these limitations could be designed to promote market place.

    Anyway, talking about real world options, have you heard of import/export options? You import what you can't produce. Here you buy it at the market. There's enough bread on the market as far as I know. This is your solution. :)

    And to push this real life idea even further, you might not get a permission from the City council to build yet another bakery either. You might face a lot of different restrictions from the government. You might get premission to build but be given such conditions that import would sound a lot more attractive then building factory. The bank might refuse you a loan. Venture capitalists would refuse to be involved as bakeries is not what they usually invest into. You might struggle with enough qualified workforce to start production on sufficient quality level. This and other aspects might in real life keep you from building.

    Anyway, at the end of the day, all this doesn't really matter. Just a game, mostly time waster.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2014
  15. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Nortoncommander your first paragraph sounds exactly like the real world I live in. Have you ever been involved in any level of government. There are rules some clever, some silly, some we like, some we dislike. Limitations are always present.;) There is always the marketplace and it is not a requirement to meet the residents needs (it just helps). The point why not be allowed to buy a production building permit with MM like a commercial or residential building permits. Since the cost goes up with each additional purchase would this not be simulating the increasing governmental regulations and conditions you are referencing. Yes it is just a game. Time wasting, not if you are having fun.;)
  16. @billyjim: You have a sense of humor. I wouldn't expect you to find real life in that first paragraph. :cool: :D :cool:

    I remember when I first started playing, and of course approached it as if it was real life task. Lot of things startled me at that time. Especialy management tools for governing and controling the city activities seemd horific. Since then I accepted the fact that real life approach is not something supported here. It is simulation game, that's right, but far far away from anything vaguely resembling real city with its complex economy and other structures. Actually doing things silly is sometimes "creative purpose" of game maker. :cool: :rolleyes: :cool:

    I guess it's all down to personal views. I can't persuade myself to consider this piece of "art work" to be a real life simulation game. :)
  17. billyjim

    billyjim User

    That is the key it is a simulation. A simplified version of life. There have to be compromises, portions pared down to make it practical. Unless we all are working on super computers twenty four seven there is no hope to mimic the interactions of over seven billion people let alone the google plex plus of other factors in the world. Take a deep breath, have a drink, talk to your love ones, walk on the beach or the woods, come back and have some fun in the fantasy world we create.
  18. Well, matter of opinion. Ok then, it is a simulation game, but a poor one in my view. :) Real life is soooooo much better. Although here it might be more simple at times. :) :)
  19. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I agree. Now back to topic. Can you not hear my citizens in the background. "We want another bakery, when do we want, we want it now!" I want to build another Bakery! To build a Bakery or continue to buy on the open market that is the question. Whether tis nobler To suffer the hot ovens of the bakery or the expense of the marketplace. Okay enough butchering Shakespeare. Why can I not buy another building permit. That is the question.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2014
    wildheart50122 likes this.
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