Bread Basket

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by wildheart50122, Mar 15, 2014.

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  1. I tried to listen, but no, can't hear anything. Maybe you have some halucinations. :)

    We have a cool answer for your question, which I used so many times: It would upset the brittle game economy balance. :D :D :D

    I can understand quite well why production power is limited, but can't tell if that is why BP did it this way.

    If we all got what we want, it would be completely different game I think. :) Let's wait expectantly for what the future game transformation brings. I don't dare to make any prediction in this unstable economy climate with raging inflation and rising unemployment. As we can see from recent EU experience no country which undergone monetary reform went through that without trouble. Some actually plunged much deeper into the problems they already had before the reform, their economy comming near the collapse and had to be rescued by bilion Euros donations. Let's see what it does with RC. :D :p :D
  2. momEva

    momEva User

    They HAVE offered at leat one additional bakery as a premium. Maybe they will offer more, later?

    In the meantime... I agree with what norton said earlier, "buy on the market".
  3. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I have hallucinated once in a while. But not this time. On a personal note Nortoncommander you need to get the wax cleaned out of your ears.

    I do not like the idea of being compared to certain countries and I do not see any wealthier countries coming to our rescue in the RC world. I prefer to emulate the example of the Switzerland. Have the economy in place and remain neutral in a changing world.

    I have and will continue to use the marketplace as needed.
  4. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    this sounds more like a battle between buyers and sellers, or better yet slaves and masters.

    ppl who want to produce say "let us produce and play the game without restrictions"
    ppl who want to sell say "no you dont, you need to buy from us, and thats just the way it works"

    i'm on the side of those who refuse to be chained to the sellers and their insane market prices.. let us produce more or consum less. the risk of market crash is practicaly 0 since each time we reach a limit we push our cities higher. so the demand will always be there.
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  5. @ wizardelo: Let me remind you that market has already crashed once to the point that some comodities could not be sold even at minimum price. And there were more complaints about that at that time then there are about "low" production output these days. So caution is recomended whenever tempering in this area.

    I'm personaly not bothered and will easily go with any arrangement or just stop playing if they spoil it completely. I just like advocating this restricted production idea as I understand it's value and meaning. :)
  6. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I do not mind restrictions, I mind being banned completely. If you want to control production then make the cost of building new facilities prohibitive. In the game would be to increase the cost of the additional building permits. If the price of products in the marketplace is cheaper than the cost to produce. Then we would buy the product.. That is what would be the capitalist system. It works fairly well.
  7. brucenic

    brucenic User

    I'm with billyjim. I've said it many times before; let the market decide what production is built, NOT the game rules. WE are the mayors of our cities, let us make the choice. Right now everybody's city is probably pretty much the same (depending on which level they are at). My production was pretty much maxed out 6 months ago. I am frustrated that it takes ridiculous amounts of time to build the materials for higher level buildings. A ranch needs 4500 wood panels just for level 1!!
    It's the fact that I see no way of improving matters that is frustrating. If I knew that level 40 would give a solution, I'd be happy to work away until I got there.
  8. @brucenic: First of, If a game was so frustrating for me as you seem to indicate I wouldn't play it. That's quite easy solution for everybody's game troubles. :)

    Second, I have probably mentioned something of this meaning already, but how would you cry with a game of Chess "I am the player, let me decide how I play it, not the game rules"? Well, right now everybody's chess board looks pretty much the same. :)

    Ok, you're right, many things in this game take a long time. Good game for practicing a virtue called patience. :)

    Btw do you know a game which suits your tastes?
  9. billyjim

    billyjim User

    It is not that we want to change all of the rules. We want to modify or adapt the current rules to improve the game to the improvement of all.
  10. I think brucenic (if it was him) had a very nice suggestion in past which would completely change how the game deals with production facilities. It would be major shift if the team decided to implement that. I like these debates to some extent. It can be creative. It's also fun to check which arguments are valid and which are not. It's part of the game entertainment. Regarding game change I don't think our debates have much influence on it's development. At the end of the day they do whatever they want anyway. :)
  11. billyjim

    billyjim User

    You are probably correct. We run through way to many ideas for them to even attempt to implement a fraction of them. These debates are a great deal of enjoyment for a growing group of us. But, every once and a while the developers surprise us and actually put one of our ideas in place and freaks us out. So lets keep the fun going. :D:p:cool:;)
  12. brucenic

    brucenic User

    I think that if we don't talk about changes we would like, then there is absolutely no chance of those changes being made.
    If we do, then possibly - we can only hope.
    @norton: the point is that this is not a game of chess; there is no real goal - it is what you want it to be. A big city? A pretty city? A manufacturing city?
    I'd just like to see a bit more flexibility in each of us achieving our own aims.
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  13. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Right on brucenic. Judge and ye shall not be judged. If I have every sounded pompous and judgmental to thee I beg forgiveness. Lets party on dudes.
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