FAQ Errors

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by Idaliah, Feb 16, 2014.

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  1. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    Thank you amaliagranata for a very accurate explanation.
    We are already looking into this and we will bring the necessary corrections.
    kishar likes this.
  2. kishar likes this.
  3. Hi i have notice that on stage 3 of the suburban house it said that it take 100 bricks but i think that this should be 100 beams because no one can get 100 at level.... time they can is at level 21
    here is the link

    Thanks Thomas
    kishar likes this.
  4. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User


    We would need more info then just a hunch to change a FAQ.
    Please post a screenshot to point out the mistake.
    kishar likes this.
  5. sorry but i can not create a screen shot. How do you do screen shoot? I know that you take a picture and use paint but then how do you get the paint file to the rising cities forum.

    Thanks Thomas
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2014
    kishar likes this.
  6. kishar likes this.
  7. Yes that is what i ment
    kishar likes this.
  8. It's better to link the specific post (the number at the bottom right corner of every post) insted of just the thread. Then it takes him directly to the item in question. I don't like tha hassle with screen shots either. :)
    kishar likes this.
  9. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    We do not update FAQ based on suggestion. We will need more concrete evidence for example "i have upgraded my suburban and it required 100 beams instead of 100 bricks". Just because you think its wrong does not make it true.

    edit: FAQ has been updated.
    kishar and ThomasHeathwaite like this.
  10. Thanks
    kishar likes this.
  11. Hi again
    On brewery it said that brown ale is level 20 whereas on the game it is level 30 or is this just my brewery?
    Another problem with the brewery is that pilsner said that is level 25 whereas in the game it is level 34

    You can see for yourself here

    Thanks Thomas
    kishar likes this.
  12. Many thanks for checking this - Brewery FAQ updated.
    kishar likes this.
  13. I keep using the FAQ every day and i keep finding mistakes here is one:

    On vintage duplex it said for level 2 that you need 100 beams and 200 beams and 260 beams but it is 100 lumber,200 beams and 260 beams. Or at least this is what i needed to upgrade my vintage duplex to level 2

    Here is the link

    Thanks Thomas
    kishar likes this.
  14. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    FAQ has been updated.
    kishar likes this.
  15. kuroyany

    kuroyany User

    kishar likes this.
  16. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    kishar likes this.
  17. Bababandos

    Bababandos User

    For the modern row house, the rent is shown incorrectly under level 4, 50% mood&energy saving. It should be the same amount as under time reduction.

    For 99.5% your FAQs really rock. Thanks a lot :)
    kishar likes this.
  18. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    A case of 9 turning into a 6. All fixed now
    kishar likes this.
  19. Supernova

    Supernova User

    -Wizz-, let me start by saying I think you are doing a fantastic job with the FAQs! Thank you for your effort and the spare time you dedicate to it.

    Herewith 1 error and 2 teeny weeny errors I found in Event FAQs.

    The Circus
    Level 8-14, stage 3 : still has X-presso as reward.

    Children Festival
    Level 15-19, stage 1 : the CC icon seems to be a broken link.
    Same level, stage 3 : 50 Metro Money is not centered.

    (The last one is ridiculous, I agree, but all the rest you did looks so pretty and organized that this one sticks out like a sore thumb... :p )
    kishar likes this.
  20. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    May as well add my findings to.
    Children Festival
    stage2 5.000PP symbol is a book (EP)
    stage5 25.000CC symbol is a glove (PP)

    Its your fault, your FAQ is so good that its hard to find anything but minor mistakes :)
    kishar and cutehgirl like this.