how do i get more MM?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by olivemurmu, Apr 3, 2014.

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  1. olivemurmu

    olivemurmu User

    how do i get more MM as now x-presso is replaced by MM?all the instant completion,upgrades etc. will be done by MM..but what if i have very few MM left and i need it?i do not want to purchase as for!
  2. nervo82

    nervo82 User

    According to the official announcement:

    And I think, but can't find, there was some mention of MM being awarded in place of Xpresso from CH and booster packs.

    Otherwise, I think they want you to pay for them :)
  3. As per before the rework, more MM can be purchased in the same way.
    By clicking on the little + next to your MM.

    If you want more MM, but don't want to spend money, try using your loot-o-matic tokens, use your cinema tickets (now 15MM per movie), or wait until MM is given out as a prize during the events.
  4. olivemurmu

    olivemurmu User

    ok i get it...but the cinema isn't working(no movies).i have been waiting to get more MM from cinema...but it seems there is a shortage of has been a long time...i forgot when was the last time i used cinema.thanks by the way!
  5. The cinema is an external feature, and is largely based on your geographical location.
    Keep on checking the cinema regularly though. That is going to be your best bet for "free MM", I'd have thought.
    Use your tokens from loot-o-matic too (usually get one daily from City Hall whilst the Loot is "live". It's a lottery, but you may get lucky.

    Good luck!
  6. olivemurmu

    olivemurmu User

    yeah,i know...just waiting for the cinema to pour out MMs.and i never get good items in the loot-o-matic's just that i'm not that lucky...sighhh.o_O
  7. Keep on only takes one lucky spin, then all the bad spins are quickly forgotten!
    Anyway, question has been answered, so closing this thread now.
  8. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

    In order to keep our forum organization, old threads need to be moved to Archive. They will be available there for you to reread whenever you need.

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