More upgrade information in FAQ

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Tamy, Apr 7, 2014.

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  1. Tamy

    Tamy User

    Dear Wizz/moderators,
    I hesitate to post this request, because I realize it is asking you for huge amount of work. But if possible, could you add to the residential FAQ table, specifying what materials are being used for each stage of upgrade, also the amounts of MM requested now to instant finish this stage?
    This would help a lot (me -- but I suspect also others) in computing and planning upgrade and development. This information would enable us to determine if we should produce a certain resource (usually bricks;)), buy it in the market, or buy it with MM during upgrade. It will this way enable us to schedule our actions and production.
    If you cannot get this information from developers, maybe we (players) can gather it for you? Again, I realize this is lot of work, and I do hope you have life beyond being moderators -- so if we can make it a group project, it may be a better way.
  2. When you click on the building you wish to upgrade the popup where you begin has all that information there including the mm for the instant finish, also each stage has the amount of mm to instant finish that
    i hope this is of assistance to you
  3. Tamy

    Tamy User

    Thank you for the answer -- but I cannot see the amount of MM for each stage until I complete the previous stages (I can only see amount for MM for instant finish for entire upgrade). As I want to know in advance how much would be needed to skip some of the resources, this does not help much.
  4. unfortunately there is insufficient room in the table therefore any further information would go over the border and wont be seen
    i hope this answers your question
  5. Tamy

    Tamy User

    Sadly, it does. Feel free to close this thread.
  6. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

    In order to keep our forum organization, old threads need to be moved to Archive. They will be available there for you to reread whenever you need.

    oie_OBmKNeFugIWe (2).png
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